
Some C++ example code to demonstrate how to perform code similarity searches using SimHashing.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


FunctionSimSearch - Example C++ code to demonstrate how to do SimHash-based similarity search over CFGs extracted from disassemblies.

Getting started for the lazy (using Docker)

Make sure you have Docker installed. Then do:

docker build -t functionsimsearch .

After the container is built, you can run all relevant commands by doing

sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/pwd functionsimsearch COMMAND ARGUMENTS_TO_COMMAND
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/pwd functionsimsearch disassemble ELF /pwd/elf_file

The last command should dump the disassembly of ./elf_file to stdout.

Getting Started for the less lazy (build from source)

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


This code has a few external dependencies. The dependencies are:


You should be able to build the code by doing the following:

  1. Download, build and install DynInst 9.3. This may involve building boost from source inside the DynInst directory tree (at least it did for me), and building libdwarf from scratch.
  2. Get the dependencies:
# Install gtest and gflags. It's a bit fidgety, but works:
sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev libgflags-dev cmake
cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo cmake CMakeLists
sudo make
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib
# Now get the other dependencies
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
git clone https://github.com/okdshin/PicoSHA2.git
git clone https://github.com/trailofbits/pe-parse.git
git clone https://github.com/PetterS/spii.git
cd pe-parse
cmake ./CMakeLists
cd ..
cd spii
cmake ./CMakeLists
cd ../..

This should build the relevant executables to try. On Debian stretch and later, you may have to add '-fPIC' into the pe-parse CMakeLists.txt to make sure your generated library supports being relocated.

Running the tests

You can run the tests by doing:

cd tests

Note that the tests use relative directories, assuming that you actually changed your directory, so running


will not work.

Also be aware that a fair number of the tests are pretty expensive to run, and expect the full testsuite to eat all your CPU for a few minutes; the suite of slow tests may keep your computer busy for hours.

Running the tools

At the moment, the following executables will be built (in alphabetical order):


./addfunctionstoindex -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -index=./function_search.index -minimum_function_size=5 -weights=./weights.txt
./addfunctionstoindex -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll -index=./function_search.index -minimum_function_size=5

Disassemble the specified input file, find functions with more than 5 basic blocks, calculate the SimHash for each such function and add it to the search index file.


./addsinglefunctiontoindex -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -index=./function_search.index -function_address=0x40deadb -weights=./weights.txt
./addsinglefunctionstoindex -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll -index=./function_search.index -function_address=0x40deadb

Disassemble the specified input file, then find the function at the specified address and at it to the search index. Incurs the full cost of disassembling the entire executable, so use with care.


./createfunctionindex -index=./function_search.index

Creates a file to use for the function similarity search index. Most likely the first command you want to run.


./disassemble -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar
./disassemble -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll

Disassemble the specified file and dump the disassembly to stdout. The input file can either be a 32-bit/64-bit ELF, or a 32-bit PE file. Adding support for 64-bit PE is easy and will be done soon.


./dotgraphs -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -output=/tmp/graphs
./dotgraphs -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll -output=/tmp/graphs

Disassemble the specified file and write the CFGs as dot files to the specified directory.


./dumpfunctionindex -index=./function_search.index

Dumps the content of the search index to text. The content consists of 5 text colums:

HashID SimHash First Part SimHash Second Part Executable ID Address
... ... ... ... ...


./dumpfunctionindexinfo -index=./function_search.index

Prints information about the index file - how much space is used, how much space is left, how many functions are indexed etc.

Example output:

[!] FileSize: 537919488 bytes, FreeSpace: 36678432 bytes
[!] Indexed 270065 functions, total index has 7561820 elements


./dumpsinglefunctionfeatures -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -function_address=0x43AB900

Disassembles the input file, finds the relevant function, and dumps the 64-bit IDs of the features that will be used for the SimHash calculation to stdout. You will probably not need this command unless you experiment with the machine learning features in the codebase.


./evalsimhashweights -data=datadirectory -weights=./weights.txt

Evaluates the weight file specified on labeled data in /datadirectory. Refer to the tutorial about weight learning for details.


./functionfingerprints -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -minimum_function_size=5 -verbose=true
./functionfingerprints -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll -minimum_function_size=5 -verbose=false

Disassembles the target file and all functions therein. If the last argument (verbose) is set to "false", this tool will simply dump the SimHash hashes of the functions in the specified executable to stdout, in the format:

FileID:Address SimHashA SimHashB

If verbose is set to "true", the tool will dump the feature IDs of the features that enter the SimHash calculation, so the output will look like:

FileID:Address Feature1 Feature2 ... FeatureN
FileID:Address FeatureM ... FeatureK

The features themselves are 128-bit hashes. The output of the tool in verbose mode is used to create training data for the machine learning components.


./graphhashes -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar
./graphhashes -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll

Disassemble the specified file and write a hash of the cfg structure of each disassembled function to stdout. These hashes encode only the graph structure and completely ignore any mnemonics; as such they are not very useful on small graphs.


./growfunctionindex -index=./function_search.index -size_to_grow=512

Expand the search index file by 512 megabytes. Index files unfortunately cannot be dynamically resized, so when one nears being full, it is a good idea to grow it.


./matchfunctionsfromindex -format=ELF -input=/bin/tar -index=./function_search.index -minimum_function_size=5 -max_matches=10 -minimum_percentage=0.90 -weights=./weights_to_use.txt
./matchfunctionsfromindex -format=PE -input=~/sources/mpengine/engine/mpengine.dll -index=./function_search.index -minimum_function_size=5 -max_matches=10 -minimum_percentage=.90

Disassemble the specified input file, and for each function with more than 5 basic blocks, retrieve the top-10 most similar functions from the search index. Each match must be at least 90% similar.


./trainsimhashweights -data=/tmp/datadir -train_steps=500 -weights=./trained_weights.txt

A command line tool to infer feature weights from examples. Uses the data in the specified data directory, trains for 500 iterations (using LBFGS), and then writes the resulting weights to the specified file.

End-to-end tutorial: How to build an index of vulnerable functions to scan for

Let's assume that weights have been trained already, and placed in a file called "trained_weights_500.txt".

# Create a new index file.
bin/createfunctionindex --index="./trained.index"

# Grow the index to be 2 gigs in size.
bin/growfunctionindex --index="./trained.index" --size_to_grow=2048

# Add DLLs with interesting functions to the search index.
for dll in $(find -iname \*.dll); do \
  bin/addfunctionstoindex -format=PE -index=,/trained.index -weights=./trained_weights_500.txt --input $(pwd)/$dll; done

# Add ELFs with interesting functions to the search index.

At this point, we can start scanning a given new executable for any of the functions in the search index.

bin/matchfunctionsfromindex -format=PE -index=./trained.index -input=../bin/libpng-1.6.26_msvc14/libpng16.dll -weights=./trained_weights_500.txt

[!] Executable id is 66d4ebee347438de
[!] Loaded search index, starting disassembly.
[!] Done disassembling, beginning search.
[!] (289/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10002360 matches 829836f67adb6dad.10002360 
[!] (289/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10002360 matches 47b1aef4056f7bcc.10002360 
[!] (289/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10002360 matches 99838a9a51e1e4f2.10002360 
[!] (289/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10002360 matches 829836f67adb6dad.10002360 
[!] (289/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10002360 matches 47b1aef4056f7bcc.10002360 

While this is nice and fine, all we get is the source executable ID and the address of the function we matched to. In order to make sense of this, we need to make sure there is a file called "./trained.index.metadata" in the same directory as the index file.

This file should contain simple space-delimited lines of the format:

[16 char FileID] [FileName] [16 char function address] [function name] [true/false]

The last field indicates whether the function is known to be vulnerable or not.

Re-running our matching command above now yields much more useful output:

[!] Executable id is 66d4ebee347438de
[!] Loaded search index, starting disassembly.
[!] Done disassembling, beginning search.
[!] (313/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10004490 matches 829836f67adb6dad.10004490 /media/thomasdullien/storage/binaries/bin/./libpng-1.6.27_msvc17/libpng16.dll _png_colorspace_set_sRGB 
[!] (313/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10004490 matches 47b1aef4056f7bcc.10004490 /media/thomasdullien/storage/binaries/bin/./libpng-1.6.25_msvc17/libpng16.dll _png_colorspace_set_sRGB 
[!] (313/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10004490 matches 99838a9a51e1e4f2.10004490 /media/thomasdullien/storage/binaries/bin/./libpng-1.6.28_msvc17/libpng16.dll _png_colorspace_set_sRGB 
[!] (313/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10004490 matches 829836f67adb6dad.10004490 /media/thomasdullien/storage/binaries/bin/./libpng-1.6.27_msvc17/libpng16.dll _png_colorspace_set_sRGB 
[!] (313/882 - 7 branching nodes) 1.000000: 66d4ebee347438de.10004490 matches 47b1aef4056f7bcc.10004490 /media/thomasdullien/storage/binaries/bin/./libpng-1.6.25_msvc17/libpng16.dll _png_colorspace_set_sRGB 

Allright, that's all. Things seem to work. Enjoy!

End-to-end tutorial: Training weights prior to building an index of vulnerable functions

How does one train weights prior to building a search index? We need a couple of ingredients:

  • Labeled data to train weights on. These are pairs of functions that are known to be the same, and pairs of functions that are known not to be the same.
  • Labeled data to evaluate the weights on. These are the same as above, but are kept as a held-out dataset to see if the learning process actually had any predictive value.

In order to generate labelled datasets, the usual process involves compiling the same codebase with many different compilers and compiler settings. In an ideal world, we would have something like Compiler Explorer; in the meantime, people will have to build things themselves.

Generating input data

Input data currently consists of three text files:

  1. functions.txt - a file with the functions in the training set. The format of this file is identical to the output of the functionfingerprints command.
  2. attract.txt - a file with pairs of functions that should be considered the same. The format is individual text lines of the form [fileId]:[Address] [fileId]:[Address]
  3. repulse.txt - a file with the same format, but specifying functions that should not be considered the same.

Generating these files from the unrar executables is somewhat involved -- we need to extract the function names from debug information, convert between different compiler conventions on how to demangle their names, and finally match the ones we can match by identical name. For the moment, simply use the below shell script; run it from ./bin after having built everything.

Generate functions.txt, attract.txt, repulse.txt from the executables in question:

cd ./testdata
chmod +x ./generate_test_data.sh

The script creates two directories: /tmp/train/training_data and /tmp/train/validation_data. Both directories will contain the files described above, all of them generated from the unrar executables. The set of functions appearing in the training data should be disjoint from the set of functions appearing in the validation data.

Note that the shell script is grossly inefficient. Rewriting this hack in C++ would be a great thing for a contributor to do :-).

Running the training code

In order to launch the training itself, simply do:

bin/trainsimhashweights -data=/tmp/train/training_data/ -train_steps=500 -weights=./trained_weights_500.txt

This should launch the training process and nicely max out all the cores you have in your machine. Unfortunately, there is no GPU-accelerated training yet, so odds are you will have to wait a few hours until the training is done.

The resulting weights will be written to the specified output file.

Running the validation code

After we have arun a training iteration, we need to check whether the training actually did anything useful. Run the following command line to see what the effects of the new weights are on the validation set:

bin/evalsimhashweights -data=/tmp/train/training_data/ -weights=./trained_weights_500.txt

Running this command will output data for 4 histograms (ideally visualized using GNUplot), and the differences between the mean distances pre- and post training:

Attraction mean trained: 1.6483634587e+01
Attraction mean untrained: 2.3003175379e+01
Repulsion mean trained: 3.1962383977e+01
Repulsion mean untrained: 2.8451636541e+01

As we can see here, the average distance between two identical pairs was lowered to 16.5 bits from 23.0 bits, and the average distance for non-identical pairs was increased to 32 bits from 28.5 bits prior to training.

Drawing histograms from the data can be done as follows (assuming you have piped the output to /tmp/evaldata):

cat /tmp/evaldata | grep -v [a-z] > /tmp/eval

gnuplot> set multiplot layout 2, 1 title "Pre- and Post-training distributions" font ",14"
multiplot> plot '/tmp/eval' index 1 with lines title "Repulsion pre-train", '/tmp/eval' index 3 with lines title "Repulsion post-train"
multiplot> plot '/tmp/eval' index 0 with lines title "Attraction pre-train", '/tmp/eval' index 2 with lines title "Attraction post-train"
multiplot> unset multiplot

Built With

  • DynInst - Used to generate disassemblies
  • Boost - Boost for persistent map and set containers



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details