🚨 This repository has been deprecated 🚨

Instead, you should checkout the JTE Library Scaffold which uses the Gradle JTE Plugin to package a library source as a Jenkins plugin.

Sample Library Repository

There is a Makefile at the root of this repository that can help with the various tasks you might need to perform. These tasks are outlined below along with how to customize various aspects of this repository to fit your needs.


Docker is a prerequisite to take advantage of the make commands.

Building the Plugin

To build the Jenkins Plugin run:

make jpi

Customizing the Plugin

The plugin is configured via the build.gradle file. This file is contains comments outlining how to customize the plugin.

The plugin is built using the Gradle JPI Plugin and more configuration options can be seen there.

Adding Libraries

Libraries are just directories under src/main/resources/libraries. To create a new library, just create a new directory. It will be referenceable for loading via the directory name.

It is recommended that you have a README.rst for each library, outlining the steps provided and configuration options for the library. This README will automatically be compiled into the documentation.

Building the Documentation

The documentation is built using Sphinx and the Read the Docs theme.

The documentation is configured via the conf.py file at the root of this repository.

Building the documentation requires docker and can be done via:

make docs

This will compile the documentation and can be viewed at docs/_build/html/README.html.

Hot Reloading

To get view the documentation updated in realtime during local development, run:

make docs live

The documentation will be viewable at http://localhost:8000
