
Course Project for “Getting and Cleaning Data”

Primary LanguageR


This project does the following:

  • Combines the train and test data from the source data
  • Selects a set of features from the whole data set
  • Does some simple transformation
  • Renames feature names
  • Outputs the average feature values of grouped data set

The source data for this project is from: https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip

The the upzipped folder shall be renamed from "UCI HAR Dataset" to "data".

This project contains the following documents:

  1. README.md

This file.

  1. run_analysis.R

This scripts for data cleaning.

  1. average_by_activity_subject.txt

The output file generated by running the script with the data.

  1. CodeBook.md

Gives some information on the data, features and result