We're currently working to add some content.

The easy way: email the editors!

The GitHub way: create a pull request

  • First Fork our repo by clicking on the Fork button on the top-right corner. This creates a new copy of the repo under your GitHub user account under the url


    You can skip this step if you have already done so previously.

  • Next, clone the repo by running the command:

    # Clone with ssh. You can also clone with https.
    git clone git@github.com:differentialprivacy/differentialprivacy.git
    cd differentialprivacy/
    # Add the remote (original repo that you forked) and call it “upstream”
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/differentialprivacy/differentialprivacy.git 

    If you have already forked the repo before, you should skip this. But you may want to update the forked repo with git rebase:

    # Fetch all branches of remote upstream
    git fetch upstream
    # Rewrite your master with upstream’s master using git rebase.
    git rebase upstream/master
    # Push your updates to your own master. You may need to force the push with “--force”.
    git push origin master --force
  • Create a new branch by

    git checkout -b gauss_mech

    where gauss_mech is the name of your new branch.

  • Now that you are inside this new branch, you can add or change contents. For example, if you want to create a new post, the following code will create a pull request under your branch

    cd _post/ # go to the post directory
    echo “some test file” > test.md # toy example of a new post
    git add test.md 
    git commit -m "Adding a test file to this branch"
    git push -u origin gauss_mech
  • The editors will review your edits and merge the edits if they are good!


  • To run the website locally, you would need to install Jekyll.

Preview your changes

  • To preview the website locally, run command line:
# go to the repo directory
cd differentialprivacy/
jekyll serve
# then browse to http://localhost:4000