
Python google drive API cli to list share permissions for all content under folder

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Google Drive share

Simple Python script to list share details on a Google Drive folders children and optionally remove permissions including share links compared to a whitelist.

Outputs csv with the id,name,permissions of all the folders/files in the folder, e.g.:



  • Python (2.7, pip for dependencies)
  • Google API project with oauth client credentials setup and Google Drive API enabled (see here)

Download your client credentials to client_secret.json.

Install dependencies:

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client


First time it runs it will open a browser window for oauth confirmation of Drive access permissions, later calls will use saved credentials in ~/.credentials/google-drive-share.json delete to reset.

# help
python google-drive-share.py --help

# get folderId from URL in Google Drive
python google-drive-share.py --folderId MYFOLDERID > permissions.csv

# remove permissions not on whitelist
python google-drive-share.py --folderId MYFOLDERID --emailAddressWhitelist allowedUser1@test.com allowedUser2@test.com