
Zend Framework 2 example application using Doctrine 2 with the Supercede model for entity versioning

Primary LanguageCSSBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

ZF2 with Doctrine 2 Supercede model


This is an example Zend Framework 2 application using Doctrine 2 ORM to implement entity versioning using the supercede model. This is forked off my original repo showing the setup of a ZF2 application with Doctrine 2.

Creation Steps

Creation Steps

1.Create ZF2 project from skeleton using composer

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php --
php composer.phar create-project -sdev --repository-url="http://packages.zendframework.com" zendframework/skeleton-application zf2-example-doctrine2

2.Update composer.json to require Doctrine 2

php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar require doctrine/doctrine-module:dev-master
php composer.phar require doctrine/doctrine-orm-module:dev-master

3.Install ZF Dev tools

php composer.phar require zendframework/zend-developer-tools:dev-master

4.Copy ZF Dev tools autoload config to application config and add modules

cp vendor/zendframework/zend-developer-tools/config/zenddevelopertools.local.php.dist config/autoload/zdt.local.php

Edit config/application.config.php:

'modules' => array(

5.Add the Entity folder (will contain entity classes)

mkdir module/Application/src/Application/Entity

6.Add the Doctrine Driver to application config

Edit config/module.config.php:

return array(
    'doctrine' => array(
        'driver' => array(
            'application_entities' => array(
                'class' =>'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
                'cache' => 'array',
                'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/Application/Entity')

            'orm_default' => array(
                'drivers' => array(
                    'Application\Entity' => 'application_entities'

7.Add database config for Doctrine

New file local.php:


return array(

New file config/autoload/doctrine.local.php (for local MySql):


return array(
  'doctrine' => array(
    'connection' => array(
      'orm_default' => array(
        'driverClass' =>'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver',
        'params' => array(
          'host'     => 'localhost',
          'port'     => '3306',
          'user'     => 'username',
          'password' => 'password',
          'dbname'   => 'database',

8.Create the EntityBase files TODO

9.Create the Entity classes TODO

10.Validate the schema (will fail as you don't have DB setup)

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:validate-schema

11.Create the schema (will apply the schema to the DB)

To initially create the schema:

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create

To get sql

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create --dump-sql

TODO [] - Convert to historic table model as supersede everything in main table is not possible due to limitation of ORM to primary key (in versioned entity, primary db key is surrogate db key, natural key is not unique and cant be used for associations) [] - repository pattern and repo classes per model [] - how to validate models? [] - where to put hydrator/data extractor?
