
Write a logbook to a local blockchain

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Would it make sense to store logs on a blockchain?

This project is an implementation based on this article.

Technical details

This is a Spring Boot 2.1.1 starter project using Spring Web, JPA, REST Repositories and REST Docs as dependencies.

To make it work with JPA an H2 in-memory database is included. Read more about Spring and H2 in this article.

Build from source

Launch a command window (on Windows use cmd.exe or Powershell) in the project's root folder and type .\mvnw clean package. This will create a file LogChain-<version>.jar in a target folder. Navigate to this folder and launch the application by typing java -jar LogChain-<version>.jar.

Launching the LogChain application

Go to the releases page and download the most recent jar file. You will need a Java JRE installation on your machine (at least version 1.8).

Vagrant and Docker


Vagrant is a wrapper around virtual machine providers such as VMWare and VirtualBox. It makes it really easy to make a Linux VM running on Windows. It takes VM specifications (and provisioning) from a Vagrantfile. After installing Vagrant it's as easy as typing vagrant up on a command line with with as working directory the directory where the Vagrantfile is located.

Docker is a popular linux container implementation. It allows to compartementize a host, using less resources than a VM. Docker container images are built from specs defined in a Dockerfile. The resulting image can then be shared from a container image repository such as Docker Hub.

The below information is enough for demo purposes but not for production usage!


Make you've built the LogChain-<version>.jar file and put it in a separate directory together with Vagrantfile and Dockerfile. Open a command line and type vagrant up and wait till the VM is provisioned. Once it's done you can ssh into the VM using vagrant ssh. A new shell ($ vagrant@ubuntu-xenial: ) is opened.

Then enter sudo docker build -t milbe/logchain:1.0.2 . to build a container image called milbe/logchain with version 1.0.2. Don't forget the . at the end of the command! This will build a minimal image with OpenJDK 8 and install LogChain-1.0.2.jar.

Finally, enter sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -t milbe/logchain:1.0.2 to run the new container image. The application should be available on http://localhost:8080.

Have a look at the running containers by issuing sudo docker ps. Stop the running container with the command sudo docker stop <CONTAINER ID>.