
A Compass plugin for listing the content of a directory

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Compass plugin for listing the content of a directory.


gem install compass-ls

To load the plugin, simply require it at the top of your configuration file:

require 'compass-ls'

Next, import the _compass-ls.scss partial into your stylesheets:

@import 'compass-ls';


@function x-ls($files, $suffix: true) { 
    @return ...



Type: String

The file or glob pattern to match against.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Lets you specify whether or not the file extension should be omitted from the returning list items.


Type: List

A comma separated list of file/folder names matching the file pattern.

Example usage

Given the following folder structure:

├── src
│   ├── img
│   │   ├── edit.svg
│   │   ├── forward.png
│   │   ├── minus.svg
│   │   ├── move.png
│   │   └── plus.svg
│   └── scss
└── config.rb

Example 1: default, sans extension

$icons: x-ls('src/img/*');
$png-icons: x-ls('src/img/*.png');
$svg-icons: x-ls('src/img/*.svg');

@debug($icons); // edit, forward, minus, move, plus
@debug($png-icons); // forward, move
@debug($svg-icons); // edit, minus, plus

Example 2: with extension

$icons: x-ls('src/img/*', false);
$png-icons: x-ls('src/img/*.png', false);
$svg-icons: x-ls('src/img/*.svg', false);

@debug($icons); // edit.svg, forward.png, minus.svg, move.png, plus.svg
@debug($png-icons); // forward.png, move.png
@debug($svg-icons); // edit.svg, minus.svg, plus.svg

Example 3: single file

$icon: x-ls('src/img/edit.svg');

@debug($icon); // edit

Example 4: inline svg data-uri

$icons: x-ls('src/img/*.svg', false);

@each $icon in $icons {
    $icon-name: x-ls('src/img/#{$icon}');
    .#{$icon-name} {
        background-image: inline-image('#{$icon}');

Example 5: using the compass-config plugin

Instead of hardcoding the images path we can use compass-config to fetch the images_path property from the Compass configuration.

$images-path: x-config('images_path');
$icons: x-ls('#{$images-path}/*');

@debug($icons); // edit, forward, minus, move, plus


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