
Tool for easy training of word embeddings using popular models, implemented using Tensorflow.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


word-embedder is a tool for training word embeddings, written in Python and with embedding models implemented using Tensorflow. Currently supported embeddings models include:

  • word2vec
    • Skip-gram


word-embedder requires that the following packages are installed:

Using word-embedder

word-embedder is run from the command line. For example, in linux:

python3 word-embedder.py -i input_file -m word2vec -v 10000 -e 300 -ep 50000 -o output.txt


Required arguments

-i / --input

An input file or files. Input files are minimally processed (punctuation and symbols stripped, split on whitespace) before being used for training.

-m / --model

A word embedding model to use. Currently supported models include: 'word2vec'.

-v / --vocabsize

Vocabulary size (n-most common words from the input file(s) from which to create embeddings).

-e / --embedsize

Emedding size. How many dimensions should the resulting word embeddings (vectors) be.

-ep / --epochs

How many epochs / iterations to run the model for during training.

Optional arguments

-s / --seed

Seed the graph (for deterministic training)

Configuration for individual models

The config.py file in the root directory contains a number of options for each embedding model that can be altered before running word-embedder. For example, options for running the skipgram variant of word2vec might look like this:

config = { 
    # The word embedding algorithm to run.
    "word2vec": {
        # Model variant for running 'word2vec'
        "variant": "skipgram",

        # Choose an output function for running 'word2vec'
        "output_function": "nce",

        # Choose the number of skips and context window size
        "number_of_skips": 2,
        "context_window": 2,

        # Select a mini-batch size for training
        "batch_size": 128,

        # Choose the number of negatives to be sampled
        "negative_samples": 64


word-embedder is available under the MIT license, a copy of which is included with this repository