This is a Swift library for interacting with Language Server Protocol implementations.
An LSP server provides rich information about source code. An LSP client consumes this information. This library is all about the client side.
import SwiftLSPClient
let executablePath = "path/to/your/lsp-server-executable"
let host = LanguageServerProcessHost(path: executablePath, arguments: [],
environemnt: [/* the environment your lsp server requires e.g. PATH */])
host.start { (server) in
guard let server = server else {
Swift.print("unable to launch server")
// Set-up notificationResponder to see log/error messages from LSP server
server.notificationResponder = <object conforming to NotificationResponder>
let processId = Int(ProcessInfo.processInfo.processIdentifier)
let capabilities = ClientCapabilities(workspace: nil, textDocument: nil, experimental: nil)
let params = InitializeParams(processId: processId,
rootPath: nil,
rootURI: nil,
initializationOptions: nil,
capabilities: capabilities,
workspaceFolders: nil)
server.initialize(params: params, block: { (result) in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
Swift.print("unable to initialize \(error)")
case .success(let value):
Swift.print("initialized \(value)")
The LSP specification is large, and this library currently does not implement it all. The intention is to support the 3.x specification, but be as backwards-compatible as possible with pre-3.0 servers.
Feature | Supported |
window/showMessage | ✅ |
window/showMessageRequest | ✅ |
window/logMessage | ✅ |
window/workDoneProgress/create | - |
window/workDoneProgress/cancel | - |
telemetry/event | - |
client/registerCapability | - |
client/unregisterCapability | - |
workspace/workspaceFolders | - |
workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders | - |
workspace/didChangeConfiguration | - |
workspace/configuration | - |
workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles | - |
workspace/symbol | - |
workspace/executeCommand | - |
workspace/applyEdit | - |
textDocument/didOpen | ✅ |
textDocument/didChange | ✅ |
textDocument/willSave | ✅ |
textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil | ✅ |
textDocument/didSave | ✅ |
textDocument/didClose | ✅ |
textDocument/publishDiagnostics | ✅ |
textDocument/completion | ✅ |
completionItem/resolve | - |
textDocument/hover | ✅ |
textDocument/signatureHelp | ✅ |
textDocument/declaration | ✅ |
textDocument/definition | ✅ |
textDocument/typeDefinition | ✅ |
textDocument/implementation | ✅ |
textDocument/references | ✅ |
textDocument/documentHighlight | - |
textDocument/documentSymbol | ✅ |
textDocument/codeAction | ✅ |
textDocument/codeLens | - |
codeLens/resolve | - |
textDocument/documentLink | - |
documentLink/resolve | - |
textDocument/documentColor | - |
textDocument/colorPresentation | - |
textDocument/formatting | ✅ |
textDocument/rangeFormatting | ✅ |
textDocument/onTypeFormatting | ✅ |
textDocument/rename | - |
textDocument/prepareRename | - |
textDocument/foldingRange | ✅ |
textDocument/selectionRange | - |
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
github "ChimeHQ/SwiftLSPClient"
pod 'SwiftLSPClient'
We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch via twitter, an issue, or a pull request.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.