
Ansible repo for instance control

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


Ansible repo for instance control


Adding users

First add the user to the file for the correct environment





NOTE: Users must not have the same key for both environments.

To create a 16k rsa key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 16384 -C "you@youremail.com" -f hmpps-bastion-prod.key

Once the new user is created login to the bastion and run the the following to set an inital password and for the user to change their password on next login.

sudo passwd username
sudo passwd -e username

Enable/Disable Civica User access

Please see the CivicaOnOffboarding README

Ansible playbook

First you will need all the external roles.

make deps

Then you will need to create a control connection to the environment bastion. Either

ssh -M -S ~/.ssh/control/bastion ssh.bastion-dev.probation.hmpps.dsd.io


ssh -M -S ~/.ssh/control/bastion ssh.bastion-prod.probation.hmpps.dsd.io

You can now use to the control connection to run the environment playbook


make dev


make prod

Notes to assist users.

Please see the BastionUserOnboarding-SSH-over-SSM README for specific information about how to set up access to the dev and/or prod bastion.


This project supports protecting yaml files from bad formatting with the "pre-commit" tool. Install on local machine using instructions: ( https://pre-commit.com )

Before you can run hooks, you need to have the pre-commit package manager installed.

Using pip:

pip install pre-commit

Non-administrative installation:

to upgrade: run again, to uninstall: pass uninstall to python does not work on platforms without symlink support (windows)

curl https://pre-commit.com/install-local.py | python -

In a python project, add the following to your requirements.txt (or requirements-dev.txt):

pre-commit Using homebrew:

brew install pre-commit

Using conda (via conda-forge):

conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit

Then from root of project run

pre-commit install

Now you should have the pre-commit hook running whwn you commit.

To check prior to committing you can use this command

pre-commit run --all-files