
:zap: Delightful list of Google Bigtable resources, packages and interesting finds

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Awesome Bigtable

Delightful list of Google Bigtable resources, packages and interesting finds.

Awesome List


If you are new to Bigtable I'd recommend checking out the Bigtable Documentation. The docs are a great place to start, as you can view a full list of integrations, tutorials and other treats. This list is meant to be a curated list of awesome Bigtable "things" to supplement any official documentation.


A curated list of tools that will help you when working with or building on-top of Bigtable.


  • C++ - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable C++ client.
  • C# - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable .NET client.
  • Node.js - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable Node.js client.
  • Python - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable python client.
  • HappyBase - Official client which uses a HappyBase emulation layer which uses Bigtable as the underlying storage layer.
  • HBase Java - Official Java libraries and HBase client extensions for accessing Google Cloud Bigtable.
  • Go - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable Go client.
  • PHP - Official implementation of the Google Cloud Bigtable PHP client.
  • Simple Bigtable - Java based client built and maintained by Spotify.
  • Rust Bigtable - Rust library for working with Google Bigtable Data API.
  • AsyncBigtable - Implementation of AsyncHBase but on top of Google's Cloud Bigtable service.


  • cbt - Official command-line interface for performing several different operations on Cloud Bigtable.
  • btcli - CLI client for the Bigtable with auto-completion.



  • Heroic - Scalable time series database based on Bigtable, Cassandra, and Elasticsearch.
  • Janusgraph - Open-source, distributed graph database that can use Bigtable as its storage layer.
  • GeoMesa - Suite of tools for working with big geo-spatial data in a distributed fashion, that can leverage Bigtable as its backend.
  • GeoWave - Tool that provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, Bigtable, Cassandra, and DynamoDB.
  • HGraphDB - Client layer for using HBase (Bigtable) as a graph database.
  • OpenTSDB - an Open Source Time Series Data Base that can levearge Bigtable as its storage layer.
  • Cattle DB - Timeseries store built on top of Bigtable.
  • YildizDB - Graph database layer on top of Bigtable.


A curated list of resources to help you get off the ground with Bigtable.

Articles & Blogs


Cool Stuff

A list of cool things related to Bigtable.

Inspired by Bigtable

  • Apache Cassandra - Highly-scalable partitioned row store.
  • Apache HBase - The Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store.
  • Apache Accumulo - Sorted, distributed key/value store that provides robust, scalable data storage and retrieval.
  • Tera - High performance distributed NoSQL database.
  • obigstore - Database with Bigtable-like data model atop LevelDB.

Interesting Projects

  • YildizDB Bigtable - TypeScript Bigtable Client with 🔋🔋included.
  • Bigtable Autoscaler - Service that autoscales Bigtable clusters based on CPU load.
  • Tablecloth - Tool for keeping your interactions with Bigtable nice and tidy.