Space Invaders is inspired by the 1978 game made by Tomohiro Nishikado (Space Invaders). The User's ship will be located at the bottom of the screen and be able to move horizontally and shoot at enemies that appear from above. Each time a player shoots down an enemy ship the user will receive points and the game ends when the player is either touched by an enemy ship.
- Player can destroy enemies by shooting it down
- Player can be destroyed by an enemy
- Player can earn points by shooting down enemies
- Enemies move faster toward the player at each level
- Player can earn power ups (Bonus)
- HTML Canvas
- Allows for rendering 2D shapes onto the browser window
- Will be used to render game objects
- Javascript
- Allows the application to compute how to respond to user interations
- Will be used to handle game logic
- Used for templating and styling
- Express JS
- Node framework that listens and responds to requests
- Will be used as my server to send files to the user
- Create node server and font end files
- Learn HTML Canvas
- Find and save assets for ship
- Create any additonal assets necessary for game
- Render player ship
- Allow player ship to move horizontally on the screen
- Configure ship to be able to fire at enemies
- Render Enemies on the screen
- Allow Enemies to move about the screen
- Allow Enemies to shoot at player
- Add logic to compute enemy being hit by shot
- Add logic to handle player being destroyed by enemy
- Add logic to keep score
- Add logic for multiple levels
- Style welcome screen
- Style application to be portfolio ready