Greyscript custom vim syntax highlighting

This is my custom greyscript vim/neovim tylored syntax file for this strange programming language.

It matches the onedark atom's theme highlightings mixing my php, js and ts favorite parts.


Using neovim (with lua):

  • Copy the file in ~/.config/nvim/syntax as ~/.config/nvim/syntax/greyscript.vim
  • Paste this: vim.cmd[[autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.src setfiletype greyscript]]
    in the file ~/.config/nvim/init.lua

Using vim:

  • Create if not exists ~/.vim/syntax
  • Copy the file greyscript.vim in it as ~/.vim/syntax/greyscript.vim
  • Ensure .vimrc file contains the instructions:
    filetype on
    syntax on
    autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.src set filetype=greyscript


highlighting example