This project consists of the arduino code and wiring instructions in oil-level-sender
, a REST API oil-level-monitor
written in Rust for sending a receiving Current Heating Oil Level and History and a Front End web portal frontend
for viewing the level. The project is managed through docker-compose, data is stored in a postgreSQL database
which uses Liquibase to manage schema updates
Arduino sketch for reading the oil level with an ultra sonic sensor and POSTing the reading to the back end REST API
REST API written in Rust, POST end point for receiving the reading, GET end points for current level and history, websocket support for currrent level
React web application with a nice looking mobile enabled UI
Liquibase changsets defining the database schema
There are some complexities around how the project is run, there are 4 separate containers that will be running on the server which provides access to the API and the front end they are as follows:
- Frontend
- Postgres Database
- Maven container with liquibase scripts inside it
In order to build the REST API, you will need to have rust installed, the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
target rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
and the musl libc tools. This is because the REST API runs on an Alpine linux docker container, Alpine does not use GCC so statically linked binaries have to be copied in to the container in order to run. This has thus far only been tested on Ubuntu: sudo apt install musl-tools
Using the 4th container to hold the liquibase scripts ensures that the docker network is used for the REST API and liquibase to talk to the postgres database. This means that the port for the DB is only open within the docker network created by the compose command and it is not open to the host machine
As the frontend is entirely static files being served by an nginx based container, the address it uses for the REST API has to be interpolated as part of the build
All of this is taken care of when running the default profile for the make command in the root of the repo, simply pass the BACKEND_HOST and BACKEND_PORT:
The below command will start the containers and run liquibase:
DATABASE_USERNAME="oil_level_user" DATABASE_PASSWORD="password" make run