

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is the front end and back end server for Project 7 named "Groupoomania" of the OpenClassrooms course.

Back end Prerequisites

You will need to have Node.js and npm installed locally on your machine.

Back end Installation

Clone this repo.

First, In the "client" folder, create file named .env.local and add this 2 cmd lines: NEXT_PUBLIC_API=http://localhost:8000/api NEXT_PUBLIC_SOCKETIO=http://localhost:8000

Second, In the "server" folder, create file named .env and add this cmd lines: PORT=8000 DATABASE="" JWT_SECRET=********** CLOUDINARY_NAME=github-baggi4 CLOUDINARY_KEY=981253497244336 CLOUDINARY_SECRET=pRzOFqc5a3IEnW3AYs_JREKoiH8 CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3000

Third, From the "server" && "client" folders of the project, run npm install.

Then, from the "client" folder, run this cmd npm run dev, and from the "server" folder, run this cmd npm run start.

The server should run on localhost with default port 8000.



Voici le front end & back end server pour le Project 7 appelé "Groupomania" de la formation OpenClassrooms.

Back end Prerequisites

Vous devez avoir au préalable installé Node.js & npm sur votre Pc.

Back end Installation

Dupliquer ce repo.

D'abord, dans le dossier "client", créé un fichier .env.local et ajouté ces 2 lignes de cmd : NEXT_PUBLIC_API=http://localhost:8000/api NEXT_PUBLIC_SOCKETIO=http://localhost:8000/api

Secondo, dans le dossier "server", créé un fichier .env et ajouté ces lignes de cmd: PORT=8000 DATABASE="" JWT_SECRET=********** CLOUDINARY_NAME=github-baggi4 CLOUDINARY_KEY=981253497244336 CLOUDINARY_SECRET=pRzOFqc5a3IEnW3AYs_JREKoiH8 CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3000

Troisio, dans les 2 dossiers "server" && "client", lancé la cmd npm install.

Enfin, à partir du dossier "client", lancé la cmd npm run dev, et pour finir le dossier "server", lancé la cmd npm run start.

Le server devrait courir localhost avec port défault 8000.