
Online News website where we have implemented Login and Register, Dynamic News Reading and Posting News features. built with React, Redux and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We have cloned BBC which is world wide popular news and information provider website.

Tech stack

  • CSS

    Other libraries

    • redux
    • react-redux
    • redux-thunk
    • react-loading-skeleton
    • react-toastify
    • react-awesome-slider
    • react-youtube
    • react-player
    • react-social
    • react-icons
    • axios
    • uuid

How to use the product

  1. By clicking this link User will be redirected to Home Page. <HomePage>

  2. From Navbar any person can login as Normal user or as Admin if they already has an account, or they can register. <LoginPage>

  3. If user is Admin he can Post Stories from Accounts page. <LoginPage>

  4. Posted Stories will be displayed as Latest Story in News Page. <NewsPage>

  5. User can type any query and search related news from search bar. <SearchBar>

  6. By clicking any news story user will be redirected to single article page where he can read whole article. <SinglePage>

Team Members and Contributors

Priyanka Poshala

Pranit Jogwe

Akash Vaghela

Abhinav Raj

Bhairavesware Reddy