
Experimental project for AWS resources

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Playing with SageMaker

Just some experiments to see what the tool is about, what it can and what it cannot do.

Data used

To play around we use a dataset from Kaggle called Black Friday. It has a decent size of 5 MB, and includes 538k rows x 12 columns.

About Sagemaker

Some helpful resources:

Working with SageMaker notebook instances

In theory, SageMaker notebook instances are great for data scientists in the experimentation phase where the company doesn't like the scientists to store data and code locally on their own machines.

However, there are some limitations that make it a bit tougher to work on SageMaker compared to working locally:

  1. Instances are sealed off in such a way that you cannot ssh into the machine, making it very hard to use IDE remote interpreters
  2. It's not straightforward yet how to expose local processes on the SageMaker instance to your own local machine (through proxies)
  3. A little bit of extra effort is needed to set up Git, guarantee persistent storage, and use virtual environments.

Working with an IDE

Sadly it is not possible to configure your (PyCharm) remote interpreter to work with SageMaker easily as SageMaker blocks ssh tunnels.

A hack around it is to set up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with a security group that contains inbound TCP rules that open port 22 to IP addresses of your liking (for example of your organisation). you can then add a SageMaker notebook instance to this security group, and port 22 will now be open for incoming ssh traffic. You can then configure the remote interpreter of your IDE.

Considering the above, it is likely easier to just share your code between local and remote through pushing and pulling with Git. For package development, it might be best to create a dummy data set locally that you use for development (and creating unit tests!). If the code looks good, you can then run it through a SageMaker training or scoring job (instead of a notebook instance!) if you want to access the real data.

Lifecycle configurations

Lifecycle Configurations provide a mechanism to customize Notebook Instances via shell scripts that are executed during the lifecycle of a Notebook Instance (for example on start or create of an instance).

Persistent storage

By default Amazon attaches a 5 GB ML persistent storage volume to the instance. This can be increased up to 16 TB max. Read about it here

  • Only files and data saved within the /home/ec2-user/SageMaker folder persist between notebook instance sessions.
  • Each notebook instance's /tmp directory provides a minimum of 10 GB non-persistent storage in an instant store.

This means that between starting and stopping of the instance your files are preserved based on the directory they are in.

For big files however, it might be recommended to store them on and access them from S3. Alternatively, one can mount an Elastic File System for increased accessibility over Amazon S3. See the lifecycle-scripts/mount-efs.sh script on how to do this in a lifecycle configuration.

Git on SageMaker

Connect your GitHub repository on AWS following these steps:

  1. You are required to add the Git repository as a resource in your Amazon SageMaker account.
  2. In case authentication is needed, you need to use the AWS Secrets Manager to keep for example a personal access token.
  3. When the Git repository is created, you can associate it to your notebook instances.

If successful, your project will be cloned in the persistent SageMaker/ folder on the instance.

If you don't want to add your Git repository as an AWS resource, or when you don't like using the AWS Secrets Manager, you could of course set up everything yourself using .gitconfig and .git-credentials files that need to be copied to the not-persistent .ssh/ folder every time the resource is rebooted. You could configure this automatically, using a lifecycle script. See lifecycle-scripts/set-gitconfig.sh for an example.

Virtual environments on SageMaker

Lifecycle scripts can be useful for creating and activating your own virtual environments. See documentation for a sample script on how to install a package in the Python3 env on startup.

See other relevant example scripts here.

Serving the MLflow UI on SageMaker

Serving is not as easy on SageMaker as is demonstrated in the quickstart guide.

There are two options:

  1. Run locally on SageMaker notebook instance through mlflow ui which will serve the UI at However, it's not straightforward how to expose this process to you as a user. A solution could be to:

  2. Run a remote tracking server where tracking results are stored centrally and from where the UI is served such that results can be shared across a team.