An introduction for using docker images as pytorch script runtimes

This Image/Dockerfile aims to create a container for pytorch runtimes. You can pull the pre-build docker image from leftice/airdialogue-187

How to use?

  • You should git clone this repository first.
  • And then cd into the folder, type as follows according to your cuda version and torch version.
sudo docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile.airdialogue-187 -t leftice/airdialogue-187 .
  • For your pytorch scripts, you can use as the hereunder part. If you ran your previous python code as
  • Now you should run as :
sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/workspace -w /home/workspace leftice/airdialogue-187 python3
# for Docker >= 19.03
# sudo docker run --gpus 2 --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/workspace -w /home/workspace leftice/airdialogue-187 python3