
Primary LanguageJavaScript

GLO-3112 - Développement avancé d'applications web - API

GLO-3112 - Développement avancé d'applications web - API - Livrable 2

The API is available at the following address : http://sample-env.ttuhj5f6tu.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/


npm install
node app.js

Available APIs

User APIs

GET /users

No argument.

Returns all users in the database.

GET /users/:userId

Returns information of one user.

POST /users

To create a new user.

The body must have :

  • id: The id
  • password: The password
  • email: The email
  • firstName: The first name
  • lastName: The last name
  • phoneNumber: The phone number

PUT /users/:userId

To update its information.

You can only update your profile. Require authentication and following in header :

  "Authorization": "Bearer " + "token"

The body must have :

  • email: new email
  • firstName: new first name
  • lastName: new last name
  • phoneNumber: new phone number

DELETE /users/:userId

To delete user.

You can only delete your profile. Require authentication and following in header :

  "Authorization": "Bearer " + "token jwt"

POST /login

To connect to the application.

The body must have :

  • id: name
  • password: password

It returns the following :

  "token": "Bearer " + "token"

GET /auth/facebook

To connect to the application with a Facebook account. If it is the first connection, an account is created with the user's information

Picture APIs

GET /pictures

No argument.

Returns all pictures in the database.

GET /pictures/:userId/pictures/

Returns all pictures of one user.

GET /pictures/:userId/pictures/:picturesId

Returns information of one user's picture.

POST /users/:userId/pictures

To upload a picture.

Require authentication and following in header :

  "Authorization": "Bearer " + "token"

The body must have :

  • file: The picture

The body can have :

  • description: The description
  • mentions: The mentions
  • tags: The tags

PUT /pictures/:userId/pictures/:picturesId

To update a picture.

You can only update your pictures. Require authentication and following in header :

  "Authorization": "Bearer " + "token"

The body must have :

  • description: new description
  • mentions: new mentions
  • tags: new tags

DELETE /pictures/:userId/pictures/:picturesId

To delete a picture.

You can only delete your pictures. Require authentication and following in header :

  "Authorization": "Bearer " + "token jwt"

Search APIs

GET /search/users?data=userId

GET /search/users?data=description

GET /search/users?data=tags