
declaration of genesis

This document is a work in progress, please make PRs


Declaration of Genesis

There comes a time when there is enough disagreement among community members and stakers about key concerns regarding the hub, such as its mission, tokenomics, architecture, or security philosophy, that it makes the most sense to support at least one alternative opinionated fork running alongside the original so as to be prepared against all contingencies; with the added benefit that it can operate as a (political) party base with governance votes happening through interchain accounts.

ICA-based (interchain-account) partyhubs introduce additional security issues, namely that of the consensus of the other validator set securing the partyhub, if it isn't offered under ICS1.x on the original hub itself. We don't expect or require Gaia to improve this situation (though we assert that it should, by banning ICA governance voting to shards not owned and governed by the hub). On the other hand the AtomOne hub itself can and will offer ICS partyhubs to all political parties through a standard vetted implementation secured by ICS1.x on the AtomOne hub itself.

AtomOne will lead the development and praxis of splitting the community in order to foster a more diverse ecosystem of specialized zones in cooperation and coopetition with each other, while minimizing friction.

Having the minimization of friction as one primary goal gives us the directivec and opportunity to develop a robust antifragile ecosystem that won't suffer from systemic failures due to indecision or mismanagement or burnout.

Context and Need for Splits or Forks

In recent times, the Cosmos community has faced significant challenges and disagreements among community members about moving forward. These challenges have underscored the need for an alternative approach, leading to the creation of this fork. Our aim is to address these issues head-on, providing a working framework and software platform for resolution and progress despite irreconciliable differences.

Vision and Goals

The vision behind this AtomOne fork is to be an alternative fork of Gaia ("cosmoshub4") running on standby to prepare for all contingencies, and also to operate as a political party base. We strive to complement the broader Cosmos ecosystem while introducing innovative solutions and perspectives. Our goals are not just to resolve current challenges but also to set a precedent for adaptive and responsive governance in the multichain universe a.k.a. Cosmos.

Role of the Fork in the Ecosystem

As a new branch within the Cosmos ecosystem tree, this fork will remain a minimal ICS & Token IBC hub. We anticipate that our approach will not only enhance the functionality of the Cosmos network but also enrich its diversity and resilience.

Significance as a Political Base: Operating as a "political party base,"

this fork will serve as a hub for ideation, discussion, and decision-making. It aims to empower community members to actively participate in governance and influence the future trajectory of the ecosystem. This approach is expected to bring a more democratic and transparent governance process to the Cosmos community.

Expected Outcomes and Benefits: We believe that by embracing diversity and

fostering open dialogue, we can achieve a more robust and innovative ecosystem. The benefits will extend beyond immediate technical solutions, contributing to a more vibrant and collaborative blockchain community.


  • Decentralists: github.com/decentralists is the name of the party.
  • AtomOne: is the name of the hub of the party.
  • Constitutional Majority: some higher bar than 2/3, say 90%.
  • IBC: Inter Blockchain Communication using BFT light client proofs
  • ICS: Inter blockChain Security; for running multiple shard chains under the same validator; ICS1.5 improves inter-shard communication efficiently.


All users and members must agree with these objectives, and at all times when contributing take all appropriate actions to meet these objectives both in the AtomOne software as well as open hardware. Otherwise they are at risk of judgement by AtomOne or any other community or governing set.

These objectives can only be changed througha Constitutional Majority.

1. Define $ATOM1

The $ATOM1 is defined to be a staking token of a minimal ICS1.5 IBC AtomOne Hub that keeps 2/3 of $ATOM1s staked at all times.

All forks that lose consensus continuity must change their token ticker symbol to be distinct from $ATOM1 ($ATOM2 is ok). If there are competing chains with comparably simmilar continuity, then the fork that has a higher market cap (as measured after both tokens have discovered fair market value with sufficient liquidity for at least one week) should retain the name while other forks change their token ticker symbol.

Any changes to the distribution besides slashing for pre-established slashing conditions such as any additional premines (besides those in the original first genesis) disqualify the fork from retaining the same token ticker symbol; those are new airdrops of a different token.

No additional premines besides those already defined in this planning document are allowed for any forks whose token shall be called $ATOM1.

2. Hub Minimalism

Hub minimalism does not mean that the functionality of the AtomOne hub is restricted; but it does imply among other thigns that the main hub chain's logic is reasonably restricted to those that coordinate the many shard (or consumer) chains.

In particular, the hub's root chain lacks a complex VM implementation, but rather requires VMs to live on other non-root shards. This is the best way to scale to billions of users while providing specialization and isolation. For example, your home internet WIFI network is provided by a minimal router hardware, while your backup harddrives and your desktop computer are separate machines that only connect to the router.

Any fixed functionality that could run on alternative VMs should be translated into the dominant language of the official approved software, which for us is a recent version of Go(lang) 1.xx. We should remind ourselves that every virtual machine has (had) numerous zero day exploits. The added security vulnerability surface area of the new VM combined with the compiler to compile one languge for the VM, as well as the added complexity of needing to audit another language, can and must all be avoided.

Mixing implementations across validators is also to be avoided so as to prevent a failure arising from a low Nakamoto coefficient among the types of implementations.

Arbitrary smart contract functionality should not be allowed on the main hub chain, which should instead be reserved primarily for ICS1.5 shard coordination and governance voting as safety and liveness critical functionality.

3. Validator Incentives

Fix Validator incentives so that every validator is PAID to run ICS consumer chains and hub shards. Actually model the minimal economic model that describes physical reality sufficiently to be intuitive and adaptive to all scenarios. Every ICS pays supermajority to validators!

4. Governance

See github.com/decentralists/DAO

Fix governance. We already have proposals in the works on github decentralists DAO / governance. Contribute there so that Governance is fixed and we stop spending money like a flock of headless geese.

5. "Liquid Staking"

Fix "liquid staking". What we have isn't liquid staking, they are "partyhubs". What people want are liquid fungible tokens that aren't so inflationary, I get it. ICS scaling will fix the problem, but if you really want more, fix LS to delegate pro-rata, NOT have its own gov. Or, over time, possibly create a bicameral gov structure w/ exponentially inflating $ATOM1 stakers, and limit how $PHOTON reverts to $ATOM1 to prevent hostile takeover. VP(staked $ATOM1)

= VP(all $PHOTON).

TODO: Comparison between liquid staking and (collective) "liquid staking".

Later we show the $phATOM token which is deflationary AND liquid, yet fully backed by $ATOM1s.

6. Declaration of Independence & Constitution

Adopt a Declaration of Independence and Constitution with cryptographic signatures.

See draft declaration and draft constitution.

7. IBC1.5

Solve IBC1.5, or ICS1.5, where the validator sets are implicit, for fast inter-hub communication with implied IBC, WITHOUT sacrificing independent BFT consensus layers.

XXX add more

8. Transparent Security System

Create a permissioned and completely accountable and 100% predetermined-finite-time-delayed transparent security reporting system where ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING within it eventually becomes public knowledge to help deal with zero day vulnerabilities and current attacks & fund it.

9. Fund SubDAOs

Create and support competing marketing, growth, infra, dapp subDAOs, and especially help them foster the best in class in Cosmos; from the user level down to the VM, every component should have a good selection of competition.

See https://gitub.com/gnolang/gno TODO add more smart contract projects.

10. Engineering Task Force

Create a team tasked with minimizing and simplifying code and reducing unnecessary dependencies, taking the best examples from various forks taken into consideration, so that all the best ideas from all forks can integrate into one where-ever possible. FINISH software.

See https://github.com/gnolang/gno/tree/master/tm2 for Tendermint2

11. Enable Meiosis

Ossify the partyhub after it has become its own competing IBC/ICS hub. Allow others to likewise fork from you by enabling ICA partyhubs when there is disagreement. Multiply by meiosis and conquer the world.

See gnolang/gno#1224 for prototype WIP of splitting.


The AtomOne hub exists as a separate minimalist fork of Gaia. Both are separate and distinct from gno.land, though gno.land and the GnoVM (as well as other VMs) will play significant roles in completing the hub and maintaining its upkeep.

The main goal is to fix what must be fixed in governance and the need for an explicit constitution, before launching the full IBC and ICS functionality of the chain.

First we describe the tokenomics of the AtomOne hub, followed by the main milestones, with an emphasis on completion and even phase-out.

Genesis Distribution

It should be some distribution of the Cosmos Hub $ATOM1 token with those who voted against the spirit of this project slashed because they never joined to use the system int he first place (e.g. they were more interested in price appreciation of original $ATOM).

Additionally, the Interchain Foundation playing a key role in the evolution of the hub, should also be removed.

Finally, 10% of the $ATOM1s are premined for various purposes.

The $ATOM1s in genesis are locked and cannot be transferred due to the value of the parameter ENABLE_SENDTX except for chosen addresses (e.g. for faucets).

The Genesis Distribution is largely an opinionated fork of the cosmoshub4 $ATOM (judged by alignment based on voting activity, to slash those who don't align, or those who aren't interested in using our chain).

The Interchain Foundation will be excluded from this distribution, so as to create a separation of concerns, and instead 10% of the final total amount will be allocated toward contributors and onchain DAOs.

Of the 10% premine,

  • 1% to general pre-launch contributors and early adopters.
  • 1% reserved for IBC contributions (and all that it entails) and early adopters.
  • 1% reserved for ICS1.5 contributors (and all that it entails thereafter) and early adopters.
  • 7% reserved for gov distribution to subDAOs for remainder of plan and constitution (but nothing more).

In addition to these premines, the earned tax revenue (rewards) and inflation will be split as per the following:

  • 80% of the inflation+rewards going to the stakers who select validators.
  • 10% of the inflation+rewards going to active validators equally.
  • 5% of the inflation+rewards going to general commons pool with no standalone governance.
  • 2% of the inflation+rewards going to pool for open source blockchain explorer hosting.
  • 2% of the inflation+rewards going to pool for securing open source wallet systems (w/ airgap).
  • 1% of the inflation+rewards going to pool for public relations and growth.

A parameter MIN_STAKER_DISTRIBUTION_FRACTION will be set to 80%, where the percent of inflation+rewards going to stakers cannot be lower than this figure. Changing this value requires a constitutional majority.

A parameter MIN_VALIDATORS_DISTRIBUTION_FRACTION will be set to 10%, where the percent of inflation+rewards going to stakers cannot be lower than this figure.

The funds held in all the pools above will not be counted toward the bonding ratio.

The last three following the pool/treasury will intially go to multisigs set in consensus params of the chain, until they get set as URIs pointing at blockchain based DAOs hosted on ICS1.5.


We opt to replace the market-based "commission" system with a flat distribution to all validators, to incentivize the creation of peer validators (who should all plan to become datacenter providers).

The maximum bounds on the auto-adjust inflation parameter will be set at 20%.

The inflation will target 2/3 of $ATOM1 to be bonded.

ICS Fee Distribution

Every ICS zone should be paid for somehow. AtomOne owned ICS shards should be paid for from the treasury of AtomOne. Other ICS "consumer chains" can be paid for by the the chain itself, and in emegencies anyone can step in and pay on the zone's behalf.

In short, every ICS zone should be profitable to every validator.

The DISTRIBUTION_FRACTION parameter is the fraction (between 0 and 1) of ICS shard and consumer chain payments that are shared among the validators equally. This is initially set to 0.8, giving the majority to the validators, and only 20% as royalty to be paid to $ATOM1 stakers, with the COMMUNITY_TAX taking its portion.


The main difference being introduced is that the total amount of stake going to one validator doesn't actually increase the validator's power, even though all of those staked $ATOM1s are at stake should this validator get slashed. This creates a potential exploit opportunity whereby some validators have relatively little at stake, and 1/3 by total of voting power of those tial validators end up causing a double spend attack. To prevent this, overstaking to a validator will be taxed incrementally with the proceeds going toward general rewards.

XXX TODO improve this. Maybe instead there is simply a sqrt(vp) applied to all the voting powers after the original Gaia staking algorithm. You can over-stake to a validator but your voting power and returns will be much less, almost inverse to the amount of overstaking.

Suppose that 1/3 of the $ATOM1 stakers are slashed due to a complex double spend attack. Assuming that we want to allow the recompensation of victims upon double spend attacks (within the bounds specified clearly in the constitution) only from the recently slashed $ATOM1s, some nonzero portion of the slashed stake must be burned to prevent using the double spend attack as a fast way to unbond.

If no victims need to be made whole, then it could be appropriate to burn the slashed $ATOM1s of the perpetrators. The end result is that the remaining stakers own the network, and in a steady state this would result in the price of $ATOM1s increasing due to the reduced supply, assuming that the convidence and usage of AtomOne hasn't changed; though in perfect theory it should take a bit of a hit, at least in proportion to the destruction of the reputation of those validators.

If victims are to be made whole with slashed $ATOM1s, this may require the selling of $ATOM1s into the market, or result in it, therefore the price of $ATOM1s will be pushed lower, and the composition of the $ATOM1 holders mutated according to market conditions.

$phATOM the Deflationary Derivative of $ATOM1

$ATOM1 isn't a monetary token, but a related instrument can serve better as one.

Auto-staking (staking across all validators proportionally to existing voting power) doesn't solve the "inflation problem", but it does give a way for people who don't care about staking decisions to make better-than-random staking decisions.

TODO show simplest example that demonstrates slashing.

Auto-staking if done by an external IBC zone, or an individual staker manually, would like any other staking earn the pro-rata revenue and pay the various taxes. So auto-staking per se does not make for a deflationary holding, but it comes with the benefit of automatic diversification.

Since it comes with benefits to the staker (diversification and thus less risk) but it doesn't provide the needed intelligence to AtomOne, it is better for the AtomOne hub to provide a standard minimal correct implementation under its control, such that it can also regulate it, especially as it relates to control over AtomOne governance.

Say when you auto-stake $ATOM1 through this sanctioned mechanism, you get $phATOM. In order to incentivize the usage of $phATOM, the AtomOne hub offers a trade that makes $phATOM deflationary: non-atom rewards nor taxes are applied to auto-staked $ATOM1 bonded $phATOM holders, and with the right conversion equation (which adjusts for $ATOM1 inflation) we can construct a perfectly fixed $phATOM supply (say of 1 billion $phATOMs) no matter how many $ATOM1s bond to $phATOMs.

Should this "more monetary" construction of the fixed supply ("deflationary") $phATOM token incentivize a large liquid supply, it becomes more susceptible to hostile takeovers, simply because there are more liquid $ATOM1 staking tokens available in comparison to the total bonded voting power. Therefore for a more secure AtomOne hub we also limit the conversion back from $phATOM to $ATOM1 so as to make hostile takeovers more expensive.

The known ways are:

  • Widen the gap in bidirectional conversion price between $phATOM and $ATOM1.
  • Limit the amount of $ATOM1 that can be released per time period auction.
  • Essentially the same as above with some conversion curve.

In the case of validator & delegator $ATOM1 slashing, $phATOM holders will of course also get slashed, but the ratio of $phATOM-bonded $ATOM1s and all other (non-$phATOM) $ATOM1s remains the same. The conversion factor from $phATOM to $ATOM1 will change because of slashing, but the conversion factor from $ATOM1 to $phATOM will not before and after slashing, thereby making the total possible supply of $phATOM lower than before (more deflationary) and over time making the cost of conversion to $phATOM more expensive in comparison to the inverse, thereby allowing the exchange rate between the two tokens to naturally float between two reasonable bounds.

NOTE: This uses the market imperfection of the $ATOM1 and $phATOM tokens to create a (larger) gap in the conversion price, thereby making the tokens more independent of each other. $phATOM holders might be happy that their token has become more deflationary (total supply reduction), and while they can only get the post slash amount of $ATOM1s, the value of those $ATOM1s might be preserved or catch up soon after new validators start operations. The alternative where the total amount of $phATOM remains invariant in comparison appears strictly worse for $phATOM holders. This widening of the gap could in theory happen at any time with governance.

The $ATOM1s bonded toward auto-staking does not count toward calculating the bonding ratio target of 2/3 in either the numerator or denominator--they are ignored.

TODO: add benefits over liquid staking and collective "liquid staking".

AtomOne Governance

Ultimately this hub is owned by the $ATOM1 holders.

We will prioritize all of these items: github.com/decentralists/DAO

The constitutional majority threshold is defined by the parameter CONSTITUTIONAL_MAJORITY_THRESHOLD initially set to 90%, and requires a constitutional majority to change.

The constitution itself must be amended by a constitutional majority.


There are largely four phases to this plan.

AtomOne Phase 1: Pre-IBC

  1. Define Constitution
  2. Governance Fixes
  3. Launch Governance-Only Chain
  4. Implement IBC

AtomOne Phase 2: Post-IBC

  1. $PHOTON with Auto-Staking
  2. Fix Validator Incentives
  3. Implement ICS1.5
  4. Prototypes with SubDAOs (including GNO)

AtomOne Phase 3: ICS1.5 scaling

  1. Migrate $PHOTON to ICS
  2. Promote Smart Contract Use Cases
  3. Develop Scalable Validator Infrastructure
  4. Develop Recovery Preocedures

AtomOne Phase 4: Maintenance

  1. Create OnChain Education Curriculum
  2. Promote Good Forks and Projects
  3. Promote Other Common Goods
  4. Finalize the Software

Finalization should not be seen as a thing to avoid, but rather a necessity for preserving immutability and thus providing real security benefits.

Everyone who wants something different is given a way to create their own variation to compete and cooperate with the AtomOne hub. We should all be familiar with this concept, as it is how AtomOne itself was born--by exodus from Gaia.

It is possible that what we arrive at is not sufficient in the long run, and that is still OK; the ultimate goal is to be a standard reference, in the very least in relation to an improved fork; a reference that will last a thousand years or more.

In short, the goal is nothing more than to create timeless code, even knowing that in the end even AtomOne will be phased out, but never forgotten; the template will have split into a million different forks and conquered the world.

AtomOne Eschatology will be well documented and planned, for a time when nobody was around for these early beginnings.


AtomOne vs Gaia

AtomOne is just built different.

AtomOne vs Gno.land

Gno.land will be a hub for GnoVM based smart contracts. It may benefit from ICS1.5 in the future, but we will first offer GnoVM scaling on the AtomOne ICS economic zone. Gno.land will not connect to Gaia except indirectly through AtomOne, or its minimal successor.

AtomOne & Tendermint2

NewTendermint, LLC will lead Tendermint2 development, and AIB, Inc will contribute by building its own engineering team within AIB, Inc that will transition into long term co-maintainers of AtomOne, and co-members of gno.land.

AtomOne is a collaborative project that includes many members including AIB Inc and NewTendermint, LLC. Any rights to the brand of AtomOne that NewTendermint might have (or not have) is donated to the sovereignty of the AtomOne hub, or managed by AIB Inc on behalf of the hub.


  • Complete the CONSTITUTION w/ all known functionality
  • Reconcile this README with CONSTITUTION
  • Incorporate the "Constitutional Majority" in the Constitution.
  • Check for consistency w/ Decentralists DAO governance roadmap.
  • Keplr & Ledger need competition.
  • Consider referencing https://twitter.com/jaekwon/status/1724641822398681547 with more insight.
  • XXX