
Retrieval and Analysis of the Alberta Water Well Information Database

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


The goal of ABwaterwells is to provide an R API to access water well data in Alberta.


You can install the development version of ABwaterwells from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


A basic request of the ‘wells’ and ‘wellreports’ tables. Requests are performed in chunks in parallel.


# create a connection
con = dbAwwid$new()

# request individual tables
wells = con$request(
  select = c("gicwellid", "wellid", "longitude", "latitude"),
  filter = "gicwellid in (40000, 40001, 40002)"

reports = con$request(
  select = c("wellid", "wellreportid", "totaldepthdrilled"),
  filter = "wellreportid in (40000, 40001, 40002)"

# the data from these objects is stored in the 'data' field
#> Key: <totaldepthdrilled>
#>    totaldepthdrilled wellid wellreportid
#>                <num>  <int>        <int>
#> 1:               149  40001        40001
#> 2:               195  40000        40000
#> 3:               268  40002        40002

To view the available tables:

#>  [1] "analysisitems"              "boreholes"                 
#>  [3] "materialoptions"            "wellcasinglogs"            
#>  [5] "placementmethodoptions"     "chemicalanalysis"          
#>  [7] "drillers"                   "drillingcompanies"         
#>  [9] "elements"                   "geophysicallogs"           
#> [11] "lithologies"                "otherseals"                
#> [13] "perforations"               "pumptests"                 
#> [15] "pumptestitems"              "screens"                   
#> [17] "wells"                      "unitoptions"               
#> [19] "plugmaterialoptions"        "casingstatus"              
#> [21] "wellmaterialslogs"          "welldecommissioningdetails"
#> [23] "welldecommissioningreasons" "wellowners"                
#> [25] "wellreports"

Data in the Alberta Water Well Information Database is stored in imperial units. The metricate method can be used to automatically convert each table into metric units:

# the 'metricate' method automatically converts fields from each table into metric units
wells_df = wells$metricate()
reports_df = reports$metricate()

#>    totaldepthdrilled wellid wellreportid
#>              <units>  <int>        <int>
#> 1:       45.4152 [m]  40001        40001
#> 2:       59.4360 [m]  40000        40000
#> 3:       81.6864 [m]  40002        40002

To save on the number of requests, the ABwaterwells package automatically caching the results of specific requests. This means if a request is repeated, the data will be returned almost immediately:

  select = c("gicwellid", "wellid", "longitude", "latitude"),
  filter = "gicwellid in (40000, 40001, 40002)"
#> Key: <gicwellid>
#>    gicwellid latitude longitude wellid
#>        <int>    <num>     <num>  <int>
#> 1:     40000 52.20076 -112.3637  40000
#> 2:     40001 52.22914 -112.7896  40001
#> 3:     40002 52.16615 -112.8882  40002

Several predefined queries that perform common processing tasks are also included in the package. Caching is used in these queries so that previous requests, for example, to the wells table, do not get performed repeatedly:

lithologs = con$query_lithologs()
#> requesting `wells` table
#> Loading required namespace: future.apply
#> requesting `wellreports` table
#> requesting `lithologies` table
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screens = con$query_screens()
#> requesting `wells` table
#> requesting `wellreports` table
#> requesting `screens` table
#> requesting `perforations` table
waterlevel = con$query_water_level()
#> Requesting `wells` table
#> Requesting `pumptests` table
#> Requesting `wellreports` table
#>    gicwellid longitude latitude  gr_elev bh_depth location_type location_source
#>        <int>     <num>    <num>    <num>    <num>        <fctr>          <fctr>
#> 1:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#> 2:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#> 3:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#> 4:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#> 5:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#> 6:     40000 -112.3637 52.20076 831.7263   59.436          Well   Aenv database
#>    int_top_dep int_bot_dep  material material_desc colour waterbearing
#>          <num>       <num>    <char>        <char> <char>       <lgcl>
#> 1:      0.0000      0.3048   Topsoil          <NA>   <NA>        FALSE
#> 2:      0.3048      2.4384      Till          <NA>  Brown        FALSE
#> 3:      2.4384      4.2672      Clay          <NA>   Gray        FALSE
#> 4:      4.2672      7.3152     Shale          <NA>   Gray        FALSE
#> 5:      7.3152      8.2296 Sandstone Water Bearing   <NA>         TRUE
#> 6:      8.2296     13.7160     Shale          <NA>   Gray        FALSE