
Paperboy is a free self hosted solution for your management request API. Postman clone.

MIT LicenseMIT




Paperboy is a free self hosted solution for your management request API. At the moment, in alpha version, core features can be refactored.

⚠️ Don't use for production. I share these releases for my entourage. There are a lot of bugs and some features are not correctly implemented. These releases use a public shared real time database so be careful when you use it. Again, it's a demo.

Download: Click here

Paperboy in few words :

  • Free
  • Open source
  • Unlimited requests
  • Unlimited collections
  • Unlimited users
  • FREE !
  • Real time database
  • Easy to manage
  • Cool keyboard shortcuts
  • Yeah, it's free :)

What is it ?

Paperboy is a light version of Postman. All core functions are implemented. Some more will come in future but I would like to keep it simple as possible ! Works on mac, only.

Already included :

  • Methods : GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • Auth: Bearer token.
  • Params : Query and params.
  • Others things : Status code and time of requests.
  • I will add settings feature so that you can fill your Firebase informations.


  • React
  • Firebase


  • Add more methods ("PATCH", "LINK", ...).
  • Handle multiple projects.
  • Add more auth solution.
  • Add tests.
  • And many more.

Why this name ?

Really, you don't get it ?!