Code for a RaspberryPi to control a "Traffic Signal" based off the results of a specified Jenkins build
sudo python --green-pin=11 --yellow-pin=16 --red-pin=22 --jenkins-server=localhost --jenkins-port=8080 --jenkins-project=test
sudo python -h
usage: [-h] --green-pin GREEN_PIN --yellow-pin
YELLOW_PIN --red-pin RED_PIN --jenkins-server
--jenkins-project JENKINS_PROJECT
[--check_interval CHECK_INTERVAL]
Process some integers.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--green-pin GREEN_PIN
Pin on the Raspberry Pi to control the green light
--yellow-pin YELLOW_PIN
Pin on the Raspberry Pi to control the yellow light
--red-pin RED_PIN Pin on the Raspberry Pi to control the red light
--jenkins-server JENKINS_HOST
Jenkins hostname
--jenkins-port JENKINS_PORT
Port the Jenkins host runs on
--jenkins-project JENKINS_PROJECT
Project name to check Jekins for
--check_interval CHECK_INTERVAL
How often to check the status of the Jenkins project