The package can be installed by adding my_sensors
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:my_sensors, "~> 0.1.0-rc2"}
Then add a transport to the Gateway. By default you have two options:
To use the UART transport, first wire up and flash your arduino according to the MySensors Serial Gateway Instructions. then you can start the gateway with:
MySensors.add_gateway(MySensors.Transport.UART, [device: "/dev/devicePath"])
to use the TCP transport, first wire up and flash your arduino according to the MySensors Ethernet Gateway Instructions. (Or you can use the MySensors WiFi Gateway.) then you can start the gateway with:
MySensors.add_gateway(MySensors.Transpoart.TCP, [host: {192, 168, 1, 40}, port: 5001])
Make sure you use the correct host. You can use local hostnames also, if resolvable.