CityGen Maya Script CityGen is a procedural cityscape generator for Maya written in python. This can be done through either procedurally created buildings, or with user-supplied buildings. Using CityGen First, install the CityGen script by copying the file to your scripts folder. In Mac OS X, this is located at /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/autodesk/maya/scripts In Windows, this is located at c:/Users/[username]/Documents/maya/2013-x64/scripts/ Note: Depending on your OS and Maya version, these paths may differ 2. Once you've installed the script, open up the script editor 3. Copy and paste the following code into the editor. Once you've done that, highlight the code and drag and drop it onto your custom shelf to add it to your shelf. import maya.cmds as cmds import cityGen as cg reload(cg) cg.UI() 4. Press the newly created button to run the GUI. 5. Below are the options available to you in the GUI City Width: The width of the city City depth: The depth of the city Maximum Building Height: when using the procedural buildings, this controls how tall they can be Building Gap: The space between buildings Street Width: How wide the streets are Block Size: The width of a city block, or the distance between streets 6. Procedural Buildings vs. User Created If you'd like to have the script create a set of sample buildings for you, simply run the script without anything being selected To have the script replicate buildings that you've created, first group the buildings so they're under a single group node. Select the group node, and then press the generate button Note: Be careful when using user generated buildings. If your buildings have a high polycount and you're creating a large city, you could run into memory issues.