
A simple version of the classic game Pong created using SpriteKit for iOS.

Primary LanguageSwift


I wanted to learn SpriteKit for iOS for making games and used the class Pong as a great way to learn the framework. While not an exact replica of Pong, this is in the general spirit and has the following:

  • This is intended to run on iPhone
  • This is a two player game — each touches their side of the screen and moves their paddles up and down to deflect the ball
  • The ball speeds up every time it reflects off a paddle or the edge of the screen
  • If the ball goes off the screen behind a paddle, the other player gets a point
  • The game goes until someone scores 15. Once someone wins, tap the screen to start again.

Hopefully you can use this as inspiration to learn how to make a simple game in SpriteKit.