Steve Jobs

The Simple Jobs Queue That Just Works

Run scheduled tasks with Steve Jobs, the simple jobs queue made just for Meteor. With tight MongoDB integration and fibers-based timing functions, this package is quick, reliable and effortless to use.

  • Jobs run on one server at a time
  • Jobs run predictably and consecutively
  • Jobs are logged with their outcomes
  • Failed jobs are retried on server restart
  • No third party dependencies

The new 2.0 runs well but needs to be tested for bugs. It can run hundreds of jobs in seconds with minimal CPU impact, making it a reasonable choice for many applications. To get started, check out the Quick Start below, take a look at the documentation, and/or try the live demo.

NEW: In-App Development Tool

After installing the Steve Jobs package, run the install command below and press Control + J in your app.

meteor add msavin:sjobs-ui-blaze

Quick Start

First, install the package, and import if necessary:

meteor add msavin:sjobs
import { Jobs } from 'meteor/msavin:sjobs';

Then, write your background jobs like you would write your methods:

    "sendReminder": function (to, message) {
        var call = HTTP.put("", {
            to: to,
            message: message

        if (call.statusCode === 200) {
        } else {

Finally, schedule a background job like you would call a method:"sendReminder", "", "Don't forget about the launch!");

One more thing: the function above will schedule the job to run on the moment that the function was called. However, you can delay it by passing in a special configuration object at the end:"sendReminder", "", "The future is here!", {
    in: {
        days: 3,
    on: {
        hour: 9,
        minute: 42
    priority: 9999999999

The configuration object supports date, in, on, priority, and state, all of which are completely optional.

More Information

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