TutorSwap (326-project)

This repository contains code for both Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 in src/. The code for Milestone 1 is in src/docs/milestone-01 and the code for Milestone 2 is in src/client. The code for Milestone 3 is in src/server and src/db (alongside the client code in src/client).

To set up this project to run locally, run npm install in the project root.

Run npm run milestone-01 or npm run milestone-02 to start the server for Milestone 1 and Milestone 2, respectively.

Milestone 02: Front-End

The aim of this app is to find other people who can teach you something you want and/or someone who you can learn from.


Run npm run milestone-02 to open a web-browser to the page.

On first page load, the website will create mock data (users, appointments, and messages) as to not be empty.

You may log in as any of them using the login page (passwords are NOT implemented - just don't leave those fields empty) or create your own profile with the signup page.

Existing users include dfenning0 (id 1), ddraye1 (id 2), calu2 (id 3), and more, which can be found in src/client/js/api/mock/initial.js

While logged out, you can view the Browse page and public profiles (eg. /#/profile/@dfenning0 or /#/profile/1 for the same user).

Once logged in:

  • the dashboard page serves to show recent messages & upcoming appointments you may have scheduled - whether that be to teach someone else or learn yourself
  • the browse page allows you to find users based on what skills you are looking for to teach and/or learn
  • the messages page shows all existing conversations with other users, alongside appointments between you and whoever you're talking to
    • in addition, you may create, edit, and delete appointments from this page
  • the profile page allows you to edit your settings and skills, and upload a custom profile picture

Directory Structure

The directory structure is divided primarily into the API and routes. All further paths will be starting from src/client

  • js/api contains the functions used by most of the application to obtain data from the "API"
    • mocked in js/api/mock using PouchDB
    • js/api/local.js contains the local data that is not part of the mocked API - eg. session token (not the actual session data!)
  • js/routes contains a custom SPA route handler that matches paths to routes and afterwards files
    • contains route definitions (name, path, file, css & html)
      • every route has a file (not unique) at js/routes/pages
      • routes may have HTML in pages and CSS in styles/pages
      • the necessary files are loaded all at the same time, and once done, the JS script runs to set up the page before getting rid of the loading spinner
      • the HTML is loaded as a DocumentFragment for the JS to take advantage of, so that we can work with regular HTML (mostly) while adding dynamic elements
    • registers a custom component <a is="app-route"> to route links internally
    • see CONTRIBUTING.md for more info
  • index.html - contains the boilerplate that every page uses
  • pages/*.html - page-specific content that the JS modifies before adding to the page (if at all)
  • styles - the app's CSS
    • contains bulma framework (libs/) & general css (app.css)
    • pages/*.css contains page-specific CSS loaded only when those routes request it

Milestone 03: Back-End


  • Run npm install
  • OPTIONAL: Edit .env and fill in SESSION_SECRET (the others may be left blank)
  • OPTIONAL: Run npm run db:migrate to create PouchDB indexes in the backend
  • Run npm milestone-03/npm start to start up the NodeJS server serving the client-side & backend API code.

To test "offline"/local PouchDB storage, set TEST_OFFLINE = true in the developer console. Switching the network throttling to offline also works, but you must've loaded all the routes already, otherwise loading them will fail (since those are file endpoints & not API data).

API Routes

  • GET /api/me - returns the current logged in user
  • GET /api/users - paginated search for users with specific known skills & interests
  • GET /api/users/:id - ID may be username (@<USERNAME>) or UID; returns user
  • PUT /api/users/:id - update user data such as name, email, and skills (not password)
  • GET /api/users/:id/avatar - returns image avatar for user (if it exists)
  • PUT /api/users/:id/avatar - updates the user's avatar
  • GET /api/users/:id/appointments - returns ALL appointments involving this user; includes user data for all involved users
  • POST /api/users/:id/appointments - create appointment between specified user and logged in user (must be different)
  • GET /api/appointments - return appointments involving logged-in user
  • GET /api/appointments/:id - fetch a single appointment
  • PUT /api/appointments/:id - update appointment data
  • DELETE /api/appointments/:id - delete appointment
  • GET /api/messages - get all messages involving logged-in user (sent or received)
  • POST /users/:id/message - send message to specified user