A guide to modern Java (Java 17)
- genesis.md
- basictypes.md
- methods.md
- jshellvsjava.md
- controlflow.md
- interface.md
- lambda.md
- listandmap.md
- exception.md
- encapsulation.md
- nullandoptional.md
- internalclass.md
- inheritance.md
- generics.md
- stream.md
- datastructure.md
- sort.md
Each chapter comes with executable examples that you can run using jshell.
To get the examples, just clone this repository
git clone http://github.com/forax/java-guide
Then run jshell (at least Java 14 version)
jshell --enable-preview
Then you can copy paste the examples inside jshell and see by yourself.
To quit use '/exit', to have have verbose error message '/set feedback verbose', otherwise to get the help '/help'
This is a work in progress, don't hesitate to contribute, i'm waiting your pull request
Using java 14
java --enable-preview build/build.java