antiSocialite v0.0.1

antiSocialite allows you to schedule SMS communications with your closest contacts.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Team
  3. Requirements
  4. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Roadmap
  5. Contributing


As of v0.0.1, the product is composed of two UIs—the web app and the mobile app (Android). The web app is used to view and add contacts, as well as to view and schedule messages. The mobile app is used to retrieve scheduled messages for the day and to send the messages.


  • Product Owner: Melanie Gin
  • Scrum Master: Kevin Huang
  • Development Team Members: Melanie Gin, Mike Harris, Kevin Huang, John Yeglinski


  • Node 0.12.0
  • MongoDB 2.6.9+


Google Account

In order to enable the Google contacts import, a Google account, Google Contacts API key, and Google Client ID are required. Details on how to set up all these components can be found on the Google Contacts API page.

Once you have your own Google API key and Google Client ID, set them in the Contacts factory in factories.js.

Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install


From within the root directory, compile all the necessary files using Grunt:


To have Grunt automatically watch and re-compile files upon change, use:

grunt watch


From within the root directory, launch the MongoDB daemon and the server:

mongod (or sudo mongod)
node server.js

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


View the project roadmap here


Make sure there is an environment variable for DATABASE_URL on the host that specifies the URL of your MongoDB instance.


See for contribution guidelines.