
Final Project for Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the final project for our Reinforcement Learning course. The project contains an object detection framework using deep reinforcement learning agents. The core model is a DQN whose actions transform a bounding box until it tightly bounds the desired object. The code is inspired by this work.


Create a new conda environment and download all the required packages using the following line

conda env create --file=environment.yml

To use an existing conda environment and simply update its packages for this repo, run

conda env update -name <MYENV> --file environment.yml --prune

Please note that this package installs cudatoolkit version 11.1, which may not be compatible with your GPU drivers.


Download the data by running the prep_dataset.sh script provided in the util folder. Run the script as follows

cd util

bash prep_dataset.sh <FOLDER_TO_STORE_DATA>

Using the Package

To use to package for training or visualization, refer to the scripts in scripts_shuhao/local.

Example outputs

Here are some examples; note that the pretrained model seems to produce the best bounding boxes, so these examples are mainly from the pretrained DQN.

Bird example 1 Bird example 2

Bird example 3 plane example 1