
Client-Side Vue.js with Sails.js Template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue.js and Sails.js Template

No Longer Maintained

Regrettably, this repo will no longer be maintained. These days, I prefer to host a frontend on a CDN (such as Netlfiy or Cloudfront) and have it interact with my Sails backend instead of budnling evrything together inside Sails.js.

This project serves as a template for new Sails and Client Side Vue projects. It uses Webpack for compiling and serving the frontend.

This project could not have been made possible without the great work of Julian Claus and his repo vue-sails-example, in which this repo pulls heavily from.


Clone the project.

Both the backend and the frontend contain separate package.json files. To install everything using one command, run:

npm run install-all


One Command:

npm run dev


Launch the sails server

cd backend && sails lift

Launch Vue

cd frontend && npm run dev

Go to http://localhost:8080

Building / Production

cd frontend && npm run build
cd ../backend && NODE_ENV=production node app.js

More complete information

See vue-sails-example.