
Client-side libraries that implement the core EPP specifications, the domain, host and contact mappings of the specifications, and mappings for extensions operated by Neustar Registry Service.

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status


The latest nsr-toolkit is available for download. nsr-toolkit v4.1.1 (sources | javadoc)

For more information, please read Installation and Setup.


To build the nsr-toolkit, you must have the Java Development Kit (JDK) v7.0 or above installed. The project can be built with the command gradlew build.


These are client-side libraries that implement the core EPP specifications, the domain, host and contact mappings of the specifications, and mappings for extensions operated by Neustar.

The Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) was selected as the registry-registrar protocol for communication between Neustar Registry Services' Domain Name Registry System (DNRS) and the registrars licensed to interact with the registry.

The core EPP specifications provide for management of domains, hosts (for DNS delegation), and contacts (for enabling communication with the entities responsible for a domain name registration). The protocol is extensible in various ways, including support for; extension to objects other than domains, hosts and contacts, extension of the commands defined on existing objects, and extension of the protocol to commands not defined in the core protocol.

To communicate with an EPP-based DNRS, a registrar must send commands in the form of XML documents to the DNRS and receive and interpret the responses returned. The format of the commands and responses is formally specified in an XML schema forming part of the EPP specifications. Transmission of the service elements must be secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocls, which could be version 1 (TLSv1), version 1.1 (TLSv1.1) or version 1.2 (TLSv1.2). The desired TLS version could be specified via ssl.protocol in the configuration properties, or it would be default to TLSv1. In addition, opening of an EPP session requires the provision of client credentials delivered via an out of band mechanism.

Implementation of much of the EPP specification can be independent of the specific registrar requirements, since every implementation must provide such services as discovering registry service information, opening and closing sessions, sending and receiving EPP service elements, as well as a simple means of translating between EPP service elements and their programmatic representation.

These services are best bundled in a library which each registrar can utilise to reduce the costs of implementing an EPP client application.

Toolkit Overview

The EPP toolkit developed and supplied by Neustar provides client-side libraries that implement the EPP specifications described in RFC 5730-5734, and extension mappings for published RFCs and proprietary extensions implemented in Registries developed by Neustar. These libraries are broken down into two key modules: an extensible set of EPP service element mappings to classes (object-oriented programming paradigm), and an EPP network transport module.

The service element mapping module provides a simple means of translating between EPP service elements and their programmatic representation. The network transport module, which depends on session management service elements in the service element module, provides the following services; service information discovery, opening and closing EPP sessions, and sending and receiving EPP service elements.

This toolkit also provides a mechanism to perform the following Trademark Clearing House (TMCH) related functionality:

  • Retrieve a Trademark Claims Notice from TMDB for a look up key. For more information on retrieving TM notice please refer to Trademark Claims Notice
  • Parse and validate Signed Mark Data (SMD). For more information on how to use the library for parsing and validating SMDs please refer to Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)

Installation and Setup

How to get the toolkit

Direct download

Obtain the latest toolkit here: Toolkit v4.1.1 (sources | javadoc)

Dependency Management

Use your build's dependency management tool to automatically download the toolkit from our repository.

  • Repository: http://neustarregistry.github.io/repo/
  • groupId: neustar.registry
  • artifactId: nsrjtk
  • version: 4.1.1

For example (using Maven):




You can view the source on GitHub/NeustarRegistry. Contributions via pull requests are welcome.

Development documentation

The javadoc is available online: Toolkit javadoc


The following environment specifics are required:

Java Support

The Toolkit has been developed against the standard Java API, and has no runtime dependencies on external libraries.

Since version 3.7.6 the toolkit no longer support Java SE 6. Only Java SE 7 and above are supported.

UTF-8 Encoding

The Toolkit uses the Java VM default character set for character encoding. Consequently, the default character set must be UTF-8 to properly parse and encode UTF-8 characters in sent and received EPP messages. For English Windows machines, the default character set is typically Cp1252, and can be changed to UTF-8 by setting the file.encoding system property to UTF-8. This can be done on the command line with the syntax:

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...


Configuration parameters are read from a properties file called toolkit.properties (default) on startup. The toolkit.properties file must be in the application's classpath.

Configuration of the following properties is mandatory. All other values are set to intelligent defaults.

epp.client.clID = #?
epp.client.password = #?
epp.client.hostname = #?

Clients may provide custom implementations of the SessionManagerProperties interface to source configuration properties from alternate data sources, such as encrypted file or database.

Registrar Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to protect the Toolkit parameter file which contains the client identifier and password for login, and also to implement suitable mechanisms to protect the cryptographic keys used by the Toolkits’ TLS implementation.

The default configuration for log files contain XML sent to and received from the EPP server. These log files may contain information of a sensitive nature, for example domain name authInfo elements and login credentials. Clients should take care to ensure this information is accessible only to those that require it. Applications may disable logging of commands; however this may impair ability to provide support.

Quick Start Guide

Neustar's EPP Toolkit allows you to send commands to an EPP service and receive back responses. To send commands it is necessary to create a session, which will handle socket connection, the EPP greeting, and logging in.

Create a session

To create a session, an implementation of SessionManagerProperties is required. The default implementation (SessionManagerPropertiesImpl) uses a property file (defaulting to 'toolkit.properties' if not specified on construction) obtained from the classpath, to handle properties such as EPP server host, port, and user details. You can also use a custom implementation of SessionManagerProperties if this behaviour is not appropriate for your circumstances. The following code creates a new SessionManager:

/* Read in configuration properties from the toolkit.properties
   file. This file is searched for on the classpath. Alternatively
   you can create your own implementation of sessionmanagerproperties
   should the default behaviour not suit. */
properties = new SessionManagerPropertiesImpl("toolkit.properties");

/* Create a new session manager. This will use the properties loaded
   above to set up parameters required to connect to an EPP server. */
manager = SessionManagerFactory.newInstance(properties);

Start a session

After obtaining a SessionManager, it is necessary to start a session. This will create a connection, handle the EPP greeting and then login, allowing you to send across EPP commands:

/* Start the session. This will automatically create a connection, send
   a hello and a greeting and perform a login. The manager will be
   ready to execute transactions after this call. */

Create a command

After starting a session, a command must be created. It is also necessary to create a response object to store the response details for your command. This will automatically be populated from the XML returned from the EPP service. The following code creates a Domain Check command and response, and sends it to the EPP server:

// Create a domain check command
DomainCheckCommand command = new DomainCheckCommand(domainName);

// Create the required response object for the domain check
final DomainCheckResponse response = new DomainCheckResponse();

/* Execute the command using the session manager, wrapping it in a
   Transaction object */
manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));

View response details

After creating a command, you can view the details of the response:

// Print out the details of the response
System.out.println("EPP Response code: " +

End a session

After you have finished sending commands, it is possible to end the session, log out and close the socket connection:

// End the session, disconnecting the socket connection as well

Performing bulk operations

It is recommended to send multiple commands in the same session, to avoid the overhead of connecting and sending login commands each time. The following example performs multiple domain checks, saving the results in an array of result objects:

final int loops = 5;
final DomainCheckResponse[] responses = new
for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
   DomainCheckCommand command = new DomainCheckCommand(domainName);
   final DomainCheckResponse response = new DomainCheckResponse();
   manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));
   responses[i] = response;

Using extensions with commands

The following example shows how to use extensions with commands. The examples below use the IDN extension for illustrative purposes, however you can substitute the extension below with any command extension.

It is necessary to specify what extensions you will be using at login. The SessionProperties interface provides the list of extension URIs used in login commands sent to the EPP server. The default implementation sources this information from properties prefixed with xml.uri.ext, configured in the toolkit.properties file.

Set up a command:

// instantiate a domain create command
// adjust parameters to suit registry requirements
DomainCreateCommand command = new DomainCreateCommand(domainName, password, registrant, new String[] {tech});

// instantiate the domain create response
DomainCreateResponse response = new DomainCreateResponse();

Create the command extension:

// instantiate the idn extension, specifying "ar" as the language tag
CommandExtension extension = new DomainCreateIdnCommandExtension("ar");

Add the extension to the command. Multiple extensions can be added to the same command if required. You can then execute the command, which sends across the base command as well as all associate extensions:

// add the idn extension to the domain create command

// execute the command containing the IDN extension
manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));

Receiving extension data

It is also possible to use the Toolkit to receive extension data. The following example will show how to obtain information in response extensions using the IDN info response extension.

Create response and extension objects:

// instantiate a domain info response object
final DomainInfoResponse response = new DomainInfoResponse();
// instantiate an idn extension response object
DomainIdnResponseExtension idnResponse = new DomainIdnResponseExtension();

Register the extension with the response. You can then execute the command, which populates the response object as well as its registered extensions:

// register the idn extension with the response object

// execute the command with the response object from above
manager.execute(new Transaction(new DomainInfoCommand("domain.example"), response));

Obtain the information from the response extension:

if (idnResponse.isInitialised()) {String languageTag = idnResponse.getLanguageTag();}

Upgrading guide

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.0

Since version 4.0 of the library, the package "com.ausregistry" has been renamed to "neustar.registry". Hence the Java applications that has been using any earlier version of this library will have to replace the import statements globally in source code, if they wish to use the version 4.x.

Implementation Notes

The Toolkit is comprised of two components, one for communicating with the registry, and the second to map java objects into their XML representation conforming to the EPP specifications. These two components are discussed briefly below.

Connection and Session Management

The Toolkit facilitates connections to the registry using classes in the neustar.registry.jtoolkit2.session package. Clients obtain one instance of the SessionManager to be shared amongst all client threads that interact with the registry. The SessionManager provides a pool of connections that are automatically created as required. EPP session management is transparent to users of the SessionManager with EPP login commands issued when new connections are established.

Note that the object and extension URIs provided in the EPP login command are sourced from the namespaces declared in the default properties file. Developers can comment out, or add new namespace URIs to have them sent to the registry during login.

Transactions (a command and its response) are executed by calling SessionManager.execute(). The session manager will pick the best available connection and process the transaction using blocking IO. The SessionManager does not manage threads; calling application threads will be used for IO thus executing transactions will block the calling thread.

EPP servers may be configured to close inactive connections. Applications that wish to keep connections alive may call the SessionManager.keepAlive() method to spawn a thread that will poll inactive sessions to prevent dropped connections.

The default implementation of SessionManager gathers data such as the number of commands issued by type, both recently and since start-up; average response time by session; and response count by result code. This information is exposed via the StatsManager interface and may be used for real-time monitoring of the application.

XML Marshalling and Unmarshalling

The Toolkit provides Object->XML round-trip serialisation using classes in the *se packages. All commands extend from the Command class, and all responses extend from the Response class. The implementation uses DOM to construct and serialise XML and DOM and XPath to evaluate XML responses from the server.

By default the XML output is prefixless, that is, a default namespace is always in effect on each element. Client of the toolkit may want to change this default behavior, when they intend to send EPP commands to certain registry backend that requires namespace prefixes on QNAME. There is a optional configuration item in toolkit.properties file:


While construction of commands leads the caller to provide the minimal set of information, the Toolkit was designed to not pre-empt validations of parameter values such that changes to validation rules would not require new revisions of the Toolkit. It is the responsibility of the calling application to ensure the parameter values are correct and accurate for the target registry. The Toolkit provides a configuration option that turns on outbound schema validation to catch errors before a round-trip to the server. This is particularly useful when developing against the Toolkit.


Applications looking to extend the command/response framework should model their code from extensions provided in the core Toolkit. The neustar.registry.jtoolkit2.se.secdns package provides an example command extension, and its use is documented in the section Using extensions with commands.


The Toolkit supports the following:

  • A default logging implementation which logs to a configured set of destination files, the specific file depending on the target audience.
  • The option to define an alternative logging implementation which meets a specified interface. This provides control over filtering log messages, and how and where to write log records.

There are two levels of logging configuration supported by the Toolkit:

  • Simple modification of logging behaviour via configuration parameters.
  • Custom implementation of logging handler classes.

The standard handler implementations log to files. There are four handler classes, one for each class of audience:

  • Debug handler for Toolkit developers
  • Maintenance handler for maintainers of the Toolkit
  • Support handler for messages targeted at the Registry support team
  • A user handler for messages relevant to the application developers and production support staff (users of the Toolkit).

The system property java.util.logging.config.file specifies the location of the logging properties file from which logging properties are read. The location should be specified as a fully qualified filename for the best guarantee that the properties file will be found at runtime.

The properties relevant to the standard logging implementation are:

  • .level={ALL|FINEST|FINER|FINE|INFO|WARNING|SEVERE|NONE} defines the minimum severity of messages that will be logged.

    Thus, if .level=FINER, then all messages of severity FINER or greater would be logged (FINER,FINE,INFO,WARNING,SEVERE) unless a more specific rule overrides this parameter (see below).

  • package-name.audience.level={ALL|FINEST|FINER|FINE|INFO|WARNING|SEVERE|NONE} overrides for the named package and audience any more general specification of logging level.

  • handler-class.* FileHandler properties, as described in the FileHandler section of the Java Logging API. As long as the default handler implementations are used, all of the properties specified for FileHandler are effective. Notable properties are pattern and formatter, which control the destination file and format (plain text or XML) respectively.

  • package-name.audience.handlers should be left at the default values to use the provided handler implementations. The default values are provided in the logging.properties file distributed with the Toolkit. Alternatively, the user may implement custom handler classes and register those classes using the package-name.audience.handlers parameters. Implementers should familiarise themselves with the Java Logging API [JLOGAPI] and Java Logging Overview [JLOGGUIDE] before deciding on this approach.

Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)

The toolkit provides an API to integrate with Registries to perform TMCH related functionality using Neustar TMCH extension. It also provides an API to validate and parse SignedMarkData (SMD) file and access its contents,

Given an input SMD file, the base64-encoded part of this file must be extracted:

// extract base64-encoded part
// adjust parameters to point to the input SMD file
byte[] base64EncodedPart = TmchXmlParser.extractBase64EncodedPartFromSmdFile(
                            new FileOutputStream("pathToInputSmdFile"));

It can then be inserted in the TMCH Domain Create extension:

// create TmchDomainCreateCommandExtension
CommandExtension extension = new TmchDomainCreateCommandExtension();
extension.setEncodedSignedMarkData(new String(base64EncodedPart));

// append the extension to the DomainCreateCommand

// execute the command containing the TMCH extension
manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));

A similar extension can be appended to the DomainInfoCommand:

// create TmchDomainInfoCommandExtension
CommandExtension extension = new TmchDomainInfoCommandExtension();

// append it to DomainInfoCommand

// instantiate a domain info response object
final DomainInfoResponse response = new DomainInfoResponse();

// instantiate a TMCH extension response object
TmchDomainInfoResponseExtension tmchResponse = new TmchDomainInfoResponseExtension();

// register the TMCH extension with the response object

// execute the command with the response object from above
manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));

// obtain the information from the response extension
if (tmchResponse.isInitialised()) {
    String encodedSignedMarkData = tmchResponse.getEncodedSignedMarkData();

A similar extension can also be appended to the DomainCheckCommand:

// create TmchDomainCheckCommandExtension
CommandExtension extension = new TmchDomainCheckCommandExtension();

// append it to DomainCheckCommand

// execute the command containing the TMCH extension
manager.execute(new Transaction(command, response));

When the extension is provided, the response will then contain if the requested domain name has been found in the Domain Name Label list and, if so, its related claims lookup “key”:

// retrieve the claims lookup key
String claimsLookupKey = response.getClaimsKey(“domainName”);

The tool also enables to have access to the contents of an input SMD base64-encoded part (potentially extracted from the SMD file as mentioned above):

// decode and parse SMD base64-encoded part
SignedMarkData signedMarkData = TmchXmlParser.parseEncodedSignedMarkData(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(smdBase64EncodedBytes));

If the input is a SMD decoded part, the tool can also parse it:

// parse SMD decoded part
SignedMarkData signedMarkData = TmchXmlParser.parseDecodedSignedMarkData(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(smdBase64DecodedBytes));

The output SignedMarkData bean can then be queried to retrieve the TMCH data:

// get SMD id
String smdId = signedMarkData.getId();
// get first trademark
Trademark trademark = signedMarkData. getMarksList().getMarks().get(0);
// get trademark’s labels
List<String> labels = trademark.getLabels();

Some basic validation can also be performed on the output SignedMarkData against a particular date:

//notBeforeDate and notAfterDate of the output SignedMarkData bean can be validated
Date dateToValidateAgainst;
boolean isValid = signedMarkData.isValid(dateToValidateAgainst);

Comprehensive Validation And Parsing

The tool also enables the user to validate SMDs before parsing it:

To Validate the SMD before parsing, the following additional resources are required

  • Certificate Revocation List
  • SMD Revocation List
  • SMD Issuing Authority Certificate

Note: To refresh the above resources, construct a new instance of the TmchValidatingParser (as explained below) with the input streams to the new/refreshed resources.

An encoded SMD can be validated and parsed as follows:

//Instantiate a TmchValidatingParser with the required additional resources mentioned above
//The resources are supplied as InputStreams
TmchValidatingParser tmchValidatingParser =
            new TmchValidatingParser(certificateRevocationListInputStream, smdRevocationListInputStream,

//Validate the SMD against the current date and parsed

//A SMD can be validated against a particular date and parsed
tmchValidatingParser.validateEncodedSignedMarkData(encodedSignedMarkData, dateForValidation)

Trademark Claims Notice

The Toolkit facilitates connections to the TMDB using classes in the neustar.registry.jtoolkit2.tmdb package.


All properties related to the tmdb connections must be specified in the properties file named 'tmdb.properties'.

All the properties mentioned in tmdb.properties are mandatory.

tmdb.server.url - TMDB server URL including the https protocol and optional server port number if default https port is not used.


tmdb.truststore.location - Path to the TMDB truststore file, relative to classpath.


tmdb.truststore.pass - Password to the TMDB truststore.


tmdb.socket.timeout - Https socket connection time out.


TMDB Communication

Trade Mark notice for a lookup key from the configured TMDB server can be requested using the TmdbClient class.

TmdbClient uses the properties specified in 'tmdb.properties' file to establish a connection to the TMDB server.

The information contained in a TradeMark notice response from TMDB is encapsulated in a TmNotice object.

The following code sends a request for a TradeMark notice using TmdbClient.

    TmdbClient tmdbClient = new TmdbClient();

    TmNotice tmNotice = tmdbClient.requestNotice(lookupKey);

A TmdbClient can be used to request multiple TradeMark notices.