
Custom-remove features of a WHATWG URL implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

incomplete-url NPM Version Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Monitor

Custom-remove features of a WHATWG URL implementation.

This is useful when simulating the incomplete URL implementations available in some of today's modern web browsers.


Node.js >= 8 is required. To install, type this at the command line:

npm install incomplete-url


const customizeURL = require('incomplete-url');

const options = {
  paramsExclusions: ['sort'],
  urlExclusions: ['origin']

const {IncompleteURL, IncompleteURLSearchParams} = customizeURL(options);

const url = new IncompleteURL('http://domain/');
const params = new IncompleteURLSearchParams('param=value');



Type: Array
Default value: []
The output URLSearchParams class (and URL::searchParams) will not expose each listed property/method when instantiated.


Type: Array
Default value: []
The output URL class will not expose each listed property/method when instantiated.