
Create a relative URL with options to minify.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Create a relative URL with options to minify.

With http://domain.com/seg1/seg1-1/ as a base URL, you can produce:

Before After
http://domain.com/seg1/seg1-2/index.html ../seg1-2/
http://domain.com/seg2/seg2-1/ /seg2/seg2-1/
httpS://domain.com/seg1/seg1-1/ https://domain.com/seg1/seg1-1/
../../../../../../../../#anchor /#anchor


Node.js >= 14 is required. To install, type this at the command line:

npm install relateurl


Inputs must be URL instances.

const relateURL = require('relateurl');

const base = new URL('http://domain.com/seg1/seg1-1/');
const url  = new URL('//domain.com/seg1/seg1-2/index.html', base);

relateURL(url, base, options);
//-> ../seg1-2/


It is simplest to use an option profile, but custom configurations are still possible.


Type: Symbol
Default value: relateURL.SHORTEST
The limit of how far the resulting URL should be related. Possible values:

  • PROTOCOL_RELATIVE: will try to produce something like //domain.com/path/to/file.html.
  • ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE: will try to produce something like /child-of-root/etc/.
  • PATH_RELATIVE: will try to produce something like ../child-of-parent/etc/.
  • SHORTEST: will try to choose whichever is shortest between PATH_RELATIVE and ROOT_PATH_RELATIVE.

Minify Options

Any other defined option will be passed to minurl. Avoid setting stringify to false, as it will prevent any operations performed by this library from being outputted.

Ignoring Basic Authentication

Ignoring a URL's username and password attributes will need the not-so-obvious removeAuth option (from minurl):

const base = new URL('http://user:pass@domain.com/seg1/seg1-1/');
const url  = new URL('http://domain.com/seg1/seg1-2/');

relateURL(url, base, {
  removeAuth: true
//-> ../seg1-2/

Option Profiles

There're two profiles: CAREFUL_PROFILE and COMMON_PROFILE.