
Normalized URL key-value cache.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

urlcache NPM Version File Size Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Monitor

Normalized URL key-value cache.

In an effort to prevent duplicates, unnecessary URL components will be (optionally) reduced/normalized.


Node.js >= 14 is required. To install, type this at the command line:

npm install urlcache


const URLCache = require('urlcache');
const cache = new URLCache(options);

Methods & Properties


Removes all stored key-value pairs that have expired.


Removes all stored key-value pairs.


Removes the url key-value pair.


Returns the stored value for url, or undefined if there is none.


Returns true if there is a stored value for url.


Returns the number of stored key-value pairs.

.set(url, value[, options])

Stores value (any type) associated with url key. Optionally, define options to override any defined in the constructor.

const url = new URL('http://domain/');

cache.set(url, {'key':'value'});
cache.get(url);  //-> {'key':'value'}

cache.set(url, new Promise(resolve => {
  // set value after some delayed event
  setTimeout(() => resolve('value'), 500);

console.log(await cache.get(url));  //-> 'value'



Type: Object
Default value: see minurl option profiles
A configuration of normalizations performed on URLs to hosts that may not be configured correctly or ideally.


Type: Object
Default value: see minurl option profiles
A configuration of normalizations performed on URLs to hosts that you expect to be configured correctly and ideally.


Type: Number
Default value: Infinity
The number of milliseconds in which a cached value should be considered valid.


Type: String
Default value: 'common'
The URL normalization profile. For example, value of 'common' will use commonProfile.

Default Options

URLCache.DEFAULT_OPTIONS is available for customizable extension.