
Mapping object colour to uv map

Primary LanguageMakefile

This is my attempt on COMP5821M Geometric Processing from University of Leeds

Video demonstration:  
This code can run on University machine but have not tested for other platforms yet.  
Video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBebOFpiONI

# README for code distributed for use in COMP 5821M 2021-22

To compile, execute the following on feng-linux:
module add qt/5.13.0
qmake -project QT+=opengl

To run the program use the following command:
./Assignment_2 <model>
./Assignment_2 ./models/bumpysphere.obj

The generated texture and normal map will be in the output folder.
The generated files will be named <object name>_texture.ppm and <object name>_normal.ppm