
PFC 是一个PHP 性能优化及分析工具, 整合了xhprof ,webgrind 和memoize的功能,并可查看历史记录和函数调用序列图. PFC is a php optimize and analyse tool, it intergrate xhprof,webgrind and memoize into allinone, and provide time cost log chart for each request and function call serial chat. the goal of this project is make it easy to analyse and optimize php application.

Primary LanguageC



PHP extension: pfc extension #cd pfc #phpize #./configure --with-php-config=php-config #make #make install pfc_memcache extension #cd pfc/storage/memcached #phpize #./confiugre --with-php-config=php-config #make #make install configuration edit php.ini this is an example extension="memcached.so" extension="pfc.so" extension="pfc_memcached.so" pfc.data_dir="/opt/samba/pfcstorage" pfc.profiler_enable="off" pfc.config_file="cache_functions" pfc.storage_module="memcached" pfc.memcached.servers=""

webpfc if you web document root is /var/www, just copy the webpfc into /var/www/webpfc and now you can use the web gui by goto http://your server name/webpfc install firefox addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/php-function-cache/ if any question about pfc, please email to: lightning_heat@163.com