Closed this issue · 4 comments
I found this problem after using j2mod for a while.The program that collects modbus serial data runs for a while.
Occasionally such a phenomenon(It can happen in a few months):
The hexadecimal data sent and the hexadecimal data received are in compliance with the modbus protocol.
However, the read data method of j2mod.jar, such as ReadInputRegistersRequest/ReadMultipleRegistersRequest, will report an exception.
So that data cannot be collected normally,At this time, you need to re-initialize the ModbusTransaction to reacquire the data.
So, have you discovered this problem before? And has the latest j2mod version been fixed?
Can you tell me what to do to avoid this problem?
Serial port:Virtual serial port
j2mod version:2.5.4
I can't say that I've seen this issue reported.
To be honest, good practise would be to capture the exception and then re-establish the connection.
Can you at least send me the exception you are seeing?
Ok, I will send you the relevant information about the error after the next time this happens again.
I'm going to close this on the basis that there is a proper workaround for re-establishing a connection and I haven't got any further reports of any issues