CLI for my site

My site runs on Eleventy, and there are some things that I do regularly that I thought would be helpful to update via a command-line instead of by hand. Plus I wanted to write a CLI tool.


Not quite sure yet. From this git directory I just ran npm i site -g. Not sure if I am going to make this a legit package or not.


As I have been reading more, it's fun to update where I am almost daily. Here are some cool tools to do that! Each of these shows prompts to make things faster.

The books data on my site is just a JSON file, so this updates the file directly.

New Book

$ site book new

This will prompt for all of the questions in order to add a new book to my collection. This doesn't yet start a book, just get it on the proverbial nightstand!

One cool thing is that it will as for a URL and an image URL. For the image URL it will download the image, resize, convert to JPG and compress it for my site.

Start a book

$ site book start

I've picked up a new book, cracked it open and started a few pages.

The will look at all of the books I have not yet started, move it to the "currently reading" and note the date

Read a book

$ site book read

This will look at all of the books I am in the middle of and ask which book and where I'm at.

Finish a book

$ site book finish

This will move a book to the "finished" state, and log the necessary things. Next I need it to do some sort of happy dance!