
This is a project designed to build out a Squid proxy. The idea is to give a single source IP address when accessing clients so that single IP can be whitelisted with them.

Primary LanguageHCL

GCP Squid Proxy

This is a project designed to build out a Squid proxy. The idea is to give a single source IP address when accessing clients so that single IP can be whitelisted with them.

It is only possible to connect to the proxy using an IAP Tunnel.


Firstly you need to set up a few variables. Edit config.sh and replace the values in side the angled brackets < > to values that make sense to you.

Then simply run deploy.sh


Once deployed a squid proxy will be in place and you will be able to connect to it using IAP;

gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel squid-proxy 3128 --local-host-port=localhost:3128 --zone=<ZONE> --project=<PROJECT NAME>

Or you can ssh to a remote sever through the proxy with something like this;

gcloud compute ssh <YOUR NAME>@squid-proxy --zone "<ZONE>" --tunnel-through-iap --project "<PROJECT NAME>" -- -tt ssh <remote server account>@<remote server IP>

Further Reading

There is documentation on how to use the proxy on the confluence page.