
Review your Ruby, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and SCSS code for style guide violations with a trusty hound.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Code Climate

Take care of pesky code reviews with a trusty Hound.

Hound reviews GitHub pull requests for style guide violations. View the style guide →

Configure the Hound Service

We run Hound as a hosted service at houndci.com.

If you are setting up Hound for the first time, see the configuration page.

If you have questions about the service, see our FAQ or email hound@thoughtbot.com.

Configure Hound on Your Local Development Environment

  1. After cloning the repository, run the setup script ./bin/setup
  2. Log into your GitHub account and go to the Application Settings under Account settings.
  3. Under the GitHub Developer Applications panel - Click on "Register new application"
  4. Point ngrok to your local Hound instance: ngrok -subdomain=<your-initials>-hound 5000
  5. Fill in the application details:
  • Application Name: Hound Development
  • Homepage URL: http://-hound.ngrok.com
  • Authorization Callback URL: http://-hound.ngrok.com
  1. On the confirmation screen, copy the Client ID and Client Secret to .env. Note the setup script copies .sample.env to .env for you, if the file does not exist.
  2. Run foreman start. Foreman will start the web server and the resque background job queue. NOTE: rails server will not load the appropriate environment variables and you'll get a "Missing secret_key_base for 'development' environment" error.


  1. Set up your development environment as per above.
  2. Run rake to execute the full test suite.


To test Stripe payments on staging use this fake credit card number.

Card Number Expiration CVV
Visa 4242424242424242 Any future date Any 3 digits


First, thank you for contributing!

Here a few guidelines to follow:

  1. Open an issue to discuss a new feature.
  2. Write tests
  3. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on Travis CI
  4. Open a Pull Request
  5. Squash your commits after receiving feedback
  6. Celebrate!

There a couple areas we would like to concentrate on.

  1. Add support for JavaScript
  2. Add support for CSS and Sass
  3. Add ability for subscribers to update their email address.
  4. Come up with a way to report false positives or general Hound issues.
  5. Don't break Hound when an enabled repo is transferred on GitHub.
  6. Support more languages!


The names and logos for Hound are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.

Hound is Copyright © 2015 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.

Contributor License Agreement

If you submit a Contribution to this application's source code, you hereby grant to thoughtbot, inc. a worldwide, royalty-free, exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable license, with the right to grant or transfer an unlimited number of non-exclusive licenses or sublicenses to third parties, under the Copyright covering the Contribution to use the Contribution by all means, including but not limited to:

  • to publish the Contribution,
  • to modify the Contribution, to prepare Derivative Works based upon or containing the Contribution and to combine the Contribution with other software code,
  • to reproduce the Contribution in original or modified form,
  • to distribute, to make the Contribution available to the public, display and publicly perform the Contribution in original or modified form.