
A series of exercises that build up a simple Angular / Breeze app using TypeScript.

The app is a Visual Studio 2013 solution, with the backend (server side) already set up. The backend includes:

  • a Northwind database (actually the NorthwindIB flavor) as a SQL Server CE database (TsNorthwind\App_Data\NorthwindIB.sdf)
  • Northwind domain model (Northwind.Models)
  • Entity Framework Code First data access
  • Breeze.Server.NET for Web API and Entity Framework

The server side is set up, but the client side initially consists of just a static Index.html page. The student is invited to gradually create an Angular / Breeze application through a series of 20 exercises.

The exercises appear as folders, app-01 through app-20, which contain the runnable app in different stages of development. They are light on commentary, as these exercises are intended for use in an instructor-led class.


app-01 Adds angular.js script to the HTML page, and adds an Angular module and controller (AppController as vm) to display a simple message.

app-02 Adds the Customer model class, and now the vm exposes a customer object.

app-03 Creates an array of customers. VM exposes the array of customers and the HTML page uses ng-repeat to display the list.

app-04 Adds ng-click event handler, to select and display the current customer.

app-05 Adds firstName, lastName, and fullName to Customer class. Adds editing by binding input textboxes to customer fields using ng-model.

app-06 Demonstrates view composition with ng-include, separating the customer list and customer detail views. Experiment with ng-if vs ng-show by inspecting the DOM.

app-07 Introduces dependency injection using a "config" value service, which is injected into the AppController.

app-08 Introduces a dataservice, which is injected into the controller to provide the mock Customer data.

app-09 Introduces promises, and makes the dataservice return a promise for the customers instead of just an array. Shows how digest cycle interacts with $q promises.

app-10 Introduces Breeze, adding the EntityManagerService to create an entitymanager, and BreezeDataservice to run a query. AppController adds a showBreezeCustomers function that pops an alert showing customers retrieved from the server.

app-11 Introduces Angular filters. app.filters.ts is added, and the "spaceout" filter and "customerSort" filters are created and used in customers.html. Note performance implications of using filters in ng-repeat, as customerSort is being used.

app-12 Introduces a second controller, to be used when editing a customer. EditService is added to pass the selected customer to the EditController. This implementation doesn't work well, because the EditController just gets the customer in its constructor.

app-13 Updates the EditService in the previous lesson to make a clone of the customer. EditService exposes the clone, and save and cancel methods. EditController exposes the clone via a getter.

app-14 Lesson adds ngRoute and creates routes for customer list (#/cust) and edit (#/edit). Routes are added in app.module.ts. app.html is no longer used, because the customer.html and customer-detail.html are swapped in and out of ng-view.

app-15 Refines routing to pass an id param (#/edit/:id) to the edit view. EditController uses the id to get the customer from the dataservice, and only uses the EditService for the save/cancel functions. AppController no longer needs EditService, since it just passes the customer ID in the url.

app-16 Adds a directive to format the customer edit fields. Initial implementation just copies the HTML from the view; refinement comes later, with the editInput directive and discussion of isolate scope.

app-17 Uses Breeze to retrieve and display the customer list. The Breeze Customer class looks different from the mock Customer, so display fields must be changed.

app-18 Adds next/prev pagination buttons to customer list. Changes EditController to get customer entity using getCustomerById. Changes save/cancel logic to ok/revert and removes EditService since revert is handled by Breeze. Introduces ng-class, uses it to highlight changed customers.

app-19 Introduces Breeze validation; adds indicator for validation errors on the edit page. Adds save button, saving customer changes back to the server.

app-20 (This exercise should come after app-t01 and app-t02.) Demonstrates unit testing using $httpBackend to provide JSON results as if they came from the server.

app-t01 Introduces unit testing with Jasmine. Demonstrates how to apply many types of assertions in a Jasmine spec.

app-t02 Demonstrates how to test parts of the application using Jasmine. Tests the config service, the dataservice, and the AppController.