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PESSTO NTT Pipeline Docker Image


This script activates a Docker container with an iraf/pyraf installation and the pessto quickreduction pipeline ( see https://github.com/svalenti/pessto.

First, activate the option ‘Allow connections from network clients’ in your XQuartz settings.

To run the script, create an alias in the config file of your preferred shell, e.g.

alias pyraf="/Users/<username>/path/to/pesstopipeline/pesstopipeline"

Then run the script by typing


The script automatically mounts the folder from which it is run to /home/pessto/data/<folder_from_which_it_is_started>.

root@9f1e3c0c7042:/# cd home/pessto/data/

You can run PESSTOFASTSPEC or pyraf from any directory:

root@9f1e3c0c7042:/home/pessto/data# pyraf
setting terminal type to 'xterm' ...

  NOAO/IRAF PC-IRAF Revision 2.16.1 EXPORT Mon Oct 14 21:40:13 MST 2013
    This is the EXPORT version of IRAF V2.16 supporting PC systems.

  Welcome to IRAF.  To list the available commands, type ? or ??.  To get
  detailed information about a command, type `help <command>'.  To run  a
  command  or  load  a  package,  type  its name.   Type  `bye' to exit a
  package, or `logout' to get out  of the CL.    Type `news' to find  out
  what is new in the version of the system you are using.

  Visit http://iraf.net if you have questions or to report problems.

  ***  Using global login file:  /root/iraf/login.cl
  The following commands or packages are currently defined:

 clpackage/     images/         noao/           proto/          user/
 dataio/        language/       obsolete/       softools/       utilities/
 dbms/          lists/          plot/           system/         vo/
PyRAF 2.1.14 Copyright (c) 2002 AURA
Python 2.7.12 Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Python Software Foundation.
Python/CL command line wrapper
  .help describes executive commands