- supports camera and mic sharing to VDO.Ninja on Android and iOS.
- supports screen-sharing on Android, with mic support available
- can work when in the background, at least until battery-saving mode of some phones kick in
- can work with custom domains, other than vdo.ninja; just replace vdo.ninja with your own domain
- does not support group rooms yet
- does not support encrypted handshakes yet (passwords must be set false)
- screen-share does not yet work on iOS
- no UVC / external camera support
- some cameras won't be supported
- not at feature partity with web-app version of VDO.Ninja
You'll need flutter installed and added to your PATH first: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
You'll also need Android Studio I suppose installed and setup,
But then,to run,
git clone https://github.com/steveseguin/vdon_flutter
cd vdon_flutter
flutter packages get
flutter run
flutter pub upgrade --major-versions
can also be used to update packages.
This works okay for Android; macOS users might want to use Xcode directly instead.
Mac users building with xcode may also want to have a real iOS device attached for this to work.
flutter build apk
You'll need to install Flutter and add it to your PATH. You'll also need Xcode installed: https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/macos
You may need to install cocoapods, etc. sudo gem install cocoapods
for example.
From the ios
folder, you may want to try installing the gems there or whatever is needed.
Once Flutter is installed, Just open the project with XCode, connect a real iOS device to the system, and build the app. The project should be in the ios folder of the repo.
You may need a developer certificate from Apple to build iOS; Apple might have free ones available for testing only, but otherwise, ~ $100 USD.
If you make a pull-request to this repo, I can try to update the store-hosted version of the app with your approved changes. The app is free to download from the store.
- &codec
- &bitrate
- &audiobitrate
- &scale
The viewer requires &password=false to be used.
- UVC / USB camera and microphone support is very much welcomed