
A low code learning project run with github actions

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

1. daas-with-github-actions

A low code platform run with github actions, powered by daas and Knowlege Spec Markup Language(KSML), running on Github Actions infrastructure

This is a full stack app running on Github Actions, includes

  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • App Server(Caucho Resin)
  • React/Ant Design Frontend

Please reference Github Actions definition for details.

Preview an long running instance: http://lab.doublechaintech.com/philipgreat/index.html

1.1. Step #1: Fork Me


1.2. Step #2: Enable Github Actions


1.3. Step #3: Modify modle.xml (A KSML file) in YOUR repo


1.4. Step #4: Wait for 5 mins OR observe github actions


1.5. Step #5: Wow!!


Please replace [your-github-login] to your github login

1.6. Step #6: Star Me