
ruby gem for working with nanoleaf aurora open api

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem provides a simple ruby interface to work with the Aurora OpenAPI.

(See nanoleaf aurora OpenAPI docs in the developers section of their website https://forum.nanoleaf.me/docs/openapi)


$ gem install r_aurora


require 'r_aurora'

Assuming you already have retrieved your api token, define the following parameters:

base = '' #put your aurora IP address here
api = 'api/v1/'
token = "51zzxpyupomWxisLiyjcVupDLINqqdHL/" #note the trailing slash...

Instantiate the class

aurora = RAurora::Base.new(base, api, token)

Then call the API:

request_type = "put"
payload = {"on": {"value": true}} #for on
payload = {"on": {"value": false}} #for off

aurora.on(request_type, "state/", payload)
  1. the first parameter is the request type. Typically get or put.

  2. the second parameter below represents the node of the JSON structure as defined in the Open API docs. In this case state/

  3. The third parameter is the json payload, if needed, to pass with the request.

I used method_missing to synthesize the endpoint. This drastically reduced code duplication but I may change this in the future. You simply call the endpoint name as a method on the instance and it will auto generate the correct format for the request. You just need to use underscores in place of the camelcase names the API uses. For example if the endpoint in the API is rhythmConnected you would try to call rhythm_connected on the instance. See examples below.

Examples of get requests:

request_type = "get"

aurora.rhythm_connected(request_type, "rhythm/")




aurora.hardware_version(request_type, "rhythm/")




aurora.ct(request_type, "state/")



{"value"=>4300, "max"=>6500, "min"=>1200}

Examples of put requests:

request_type = "put"
payload = {"on": {"value": false}}
aurora.on(request_type, "state/", payload)
payload = {"brightness": {"value": 100, "duration": 1}}
aurora.brightness(request_type, "state/", payload)
payload = {"hue": {"value": 120}}
aurora.hue(request_type, "state/", payload)

You can get ALL information about your aurora panels with the info command:

This is the only command that varies from the conventions detailed above.



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/stevestofiel/r_aurora.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.