
A series of steps for aggregating PUMS data for a specific geography to determine School Age Children and HH Size by building type and # of bedrooms for those who have recently moved into an area.

Primary LanguageR


The following are a number of steps in R that will aggregate PUMS data from the census to determine the changes in the number of School Age Children expected in new developments by housing type and size.

The data is specific to a certain area, and confined to those who have recently moved in within the past 5 years.


While creating a fiscal impact analysis for a county in SW Florida I came across the need to assess the difference in school costs among 3 different scenarios.

To determine the expected number of School-Age Children (SAC) I needed to download PUMS data for the county and determine the averages for different types and sizes of houses of those who recently moved into the county. The result should show the differences in school costs based on zoning and development decisions that the county makes over the next 20 years.


You will have to have R and R Studio installed, as well as all of the listed packages.

Packages used: easypackages, plyr, dplyr R ver 3.3.2 R Studio ver. 1.0.136

And an account with https://usa.ipums.org to download the data.


Twitter: @stephenskilton