- node >= 10.0.0
- gcc build tools or MSVC 2015/2017
- MongoDB
Please read the guide on Nodejs.org to learn how to install node on linux or Windows
$: git clone git@github.com:stevevista/logactivate.git
$: cd logactivate
$: npm i
$: npm run build
$: node .
npm run dev
It should display http server on 3000, on 4 cores
If stucked on installing packages, try swicth to npm i --registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org
$: npm run pack
The executable binaries will be generated in ./release
the server log is avaible as logactivate.log
basic configuration, such as server port, storage path, and etc.
configuration for production, will override basic configuration
configuration for development, will override basic configuration
full configurations:
port: 3001
cluster: true
storage: storage
tmpdir: tmp
ssldir: ssl
ssl: true
appLogLevel: warn
appLogSize: 31457280
appLogFilename: logactivate.log
maxUploadFileSize: 200 * 1024 * 1024
dbUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/logactivate'
secrets: abcd.1234
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
username: sysadmin
password: sysadmin
method: POST
- imei required
- sn
- latitude
- longitude
- sw_version
- hw_version
- bb_version
body: should be json encoded (application/json) or urlencoded
response: on success, HTTP response status will be 2xx, othewise, the status incidates error number, and responseBody contain error message
notice: All information in http body will be append to logfiles (default is storage/exceptions.log)
A typcial request
curl http://localhost:3001/log/report -d "imei=777&exception=ddsfsdf&sw_version=1.1.0&latitude=0.032&longitude=12.000"
- method: POST
- fields:
- imei required
- file reuqired
- body: multipart format, contain field imei && a attached file
- response: on success, HTTP response status will be 2xx, othewise, the status incidates error number, and responseBody contain error message
- notice: the file will be stored in storage/[imei]/orginalFilename
- A typcial request:
curl -F "file=@data.bin" -F "imei=777" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
suppose the data.bin content is 'data', the HTTP body data will be
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="card.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imei"
curl -F "file=@data.bin" -F "imei=222222222" -F "trunks=1" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
curl -F "file=@data.bin" -F "imei=222222222" -F "trunks=2" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
curl -F "file=@data.bin" -F "imei=222222222" -F "trunks=N" -F "eot=1" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
- keep the filename and imei the same
- start from 1
- when upload last trunk, append field 'eot=1' (means End Of Truncks)
- the server will merge all trunks to one file
login with sysadmin, password: sysadmin (configured in config/base.yml)
in OTA page, upload the firmware package
query version by http://localhost:3001/ota/versions
[{"name":"package.bin","version":"werwer","description":"werwr","updatedAt":"2018-10-23T12:45:22.986Z","firmware":"http://localhost:3001/ota/download/818d6680-d6c1-11e8-876f-35038de47c60"}, {...}, {...}]
- download firmware by url indicated
- download firmware, write bytes to file
- connection broken, remember the last write position LAST_POSITION
- download request again, but set HTTP headers
Range: bytes=12345678-
- append bytes to file
- /log/report
- /log/upload
- /ota/version
- /ota/versions
- /ota/download/...
put certification files in ssl directory to enable SSL